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Disability and Learning Support Service

Placement Planning

Placement planning supports are available for students where Professional Placements are part of their programme.

Students who can avail of placement planning include those who:

  • Have clinical placements as part of their nursing programme
  • Have an Intra placement as part of their degree programme
  • Have a teaching placement as part of their degree programme

Student nurses being taught skills in a practice ward

Nursing Placement

Nursing Placement

The DLSS work collaboratively with the School of Nursing to ensure that nursing students registered with the DLSS requiring reasonable accommodations on placement are appropriately supported.

Please click here for further information: Reasonable Accommodations on Clinical Placement

Student standing at a white board teaching a class

Teaching Placement

Teaching Placements

Students requiring reasonable accommodations while on teaching placement can discuss their needs with either the Disability Officer and/or the Placement coordinator.

DCU is currently in the process of developing teaching placement guidelines, in line with the Teaching Council guidance.

Student attending a job interview

Intra Placement

Intra Placement

The Intra Office and the DLSS work together in supporting students registered with the DLSS on their Intra placements.

Students registered with the DLSS can avail of a number of supports, including assistive technology, personal assistants, and transport costs, while on Intra placement.

Placement Supports available include:

Students registered with the DLSS who are required to undertake a placement as part of their degree programme can avail of a number of supports, including:

    • A pre-placement planning session. This will help students identify any areas that wish to explore before the placement begins including disclosure, reasonable accommodations, self-management strategies etc.
    • The DLSS, in consultation with the student, may produce a Placement Planning Assessment (PPA), or Clinical Needs Assessment for nurses, which will identify students’ learning and placement needs. 
    • The DLSS, with the student's consent, will distribute the PPA/CNA to the relevant link units/lecturers in DCU. 
    • The DLSS will support students while on placement to ensure they are successfully self-managing their reasonable accommodations.

For further information:


Telephone: 01 700 5927