Frequently Asked Questions | DLSS
Our offices are open for walk-ins and/or face-to-face appointments at the following times:
- 9am - 5pm Monday - Thursday
- 9am - 4pm Friday
We close for lunch from 1-2pm.
We also offer online appointments.
If you have any questions please drop by or email disability.service@dcu.ie or telephone (01) 700 5927
Disability means a condition that substantially affects your ability to carry out day-to-day activities. If you feel your disability or specific learning difficulty is affecting your ability to study, then the staff at the DCU DLSS may be able to help you.
- Contact DCU DLSS to arrange an appointment to sign-up. Email: disability.service@dcu.ie
- Provide evidence of your disability to the DLSS (not required for DARE applicants).
- Meet with a Disability Officer to discuss your reasonable accommodations and complete Needs Assessment.
Our services are for all students with a disability including, but not limited to:
- Blind or partially sighted
- Deaf or hard of hearing
- Specific learning difficulties, such as dyslexia
- Autism, ADHD or dyspraxia
- Physical/mobility disabilities, such as wheelchair users
- Speech and language difficulties
- Mental health difficulties
- Significant ongoing health issues, such as epilepsy, diabetes, Crohn's disease.
For more information please contact the disability.service@dcu.ie.
When you sign-up to the DLSS, you will have access to a range of academic supports including exam accommodations, assistive technology and OT workshops. The DLSS co-ordinates the support services and these are based on your individual needs. View supports here.
You must provide relevant evidence to support your diagnosis.
When submitting your evidence of disability documentation please make sure that it has been completed by the appropriate medical professional for your disability. More information on supporting evidence.
If you are having difficulty obtaining a diagnosis or evidence, please email us at disability.service@dcu.ie and we can discuss some options with you.
Yes, the University will still provide you with a range of exam supports for Online exams.
Please email us if you have any questions, disability.service@dcu.ie
If you wish to connect with a staff member, please send an email to the relevant staff:
- Head of Service - anne.oconnor@dcu.ie
- Disability Officer (GLA) - mary.mcgovern@dcu.ie
- Disability Officer (SPD) - margaret.lamont@dcu.ie
- Occupational Therapist - susan.madigan@dcu.ie
- Occupational Therapist - jaieeajit.kolwankar@dcu.ie
- Assistive Technology Officer -Trevor.Boland@dcu.ie
Yes,we strongly encourage you to do so as DCU DLSS is here to support you.
If you choose to disclose your disability it means you can avail of a range of practical learning and assistive technology support that will assist you to complete your programme.
Any information that you provide to the DLSS will remain confidential. It is important to remember, however, that the DLSS cannot provide support in isolation. With your permission, the information will be disclosed solely for the purpose of arranging the necessary supports for you.
While the DLSS does not provide any screening for conditions we can put you in contact with external service providers who do. We can also advise you on possible funding avenues to assist you pay for an assessment.
Please contact us at disability.service@dcu.ie and we will be happy to help.
The DLSS does not provide financial assistance to students, however, we do fund supports for students through the Fund for Students with Disabilities.
Please refer to www.studentfinance.ie/ where you will find comprehensive information on financial support for further and higher education or refer to DCU Finance Office at www.dcu.ie/finance for information on fees, grants, scholarships etc
Campus Residences Ltd manages campus accommodation. Please contact their office directly for information and how to apply at http://www.dcuaccommodation.ie/