Exam Supports
Information on Examinations
DCU is committed to ensuring that students with a disability are not disadvantaged in examinations. Reasonable alternative examination arrangements may be made for students because of their disability and are made on an individual basis.
You are advised to read the DCU examination procedures and regulations as all exams, including disability-supported examinations, adhere to these regulations.
Applying for Exam Supports
You must sign-up with the Disability & Learning Support Service to receive examination supports.
The deadline for Semester Two Examinations is Friday, 14 March 2025
Please email the disability.service@dcu.ie to make an appointment with our Disability Officers
Support Types
The Disability and Learning Support Service (DLSS) submits requests to Registry who co-ordinate examination supports.
A range of facilities at examination time including:
- extra time allowance
- rest periods
- announcements
- smaller examination centres
- physical space
- accessible toilets
- use of a computer or assistive technology.
- Marking Guidelines ( Waiver)
For students seeking extensions on continuous assessments (e.g. assignments), they must contact their lecturer directly seeking an extension. Extensions on deadlines are not automatic even if the student has signed up to the DLSS.
More detailed information on the supports available can be found HERE
**Important Information**
Once the Registry publishes the examination timetable it will be available to view on your portal page. All timetabling queries should be directed to registry.
Examination Accommodations
For first time registrants with the Service, your accommodations will have been agreed at your initial registration meeting with the Disability Officer. For returning students, your accommodations have been rolled over from your previous sitting. The only exception would be if you have since spoken to the Disability Officer and agreed any changes.
Students with a Specific Learning Disability
For students with specific learning difficulties, please remember to write "Student with Dyslexia" on the front of your booklet. The invigilator will then provide you with a copy of the "Guidelines for Lecturers" which you will put into your exam paper when you hand it in at the end of the exam.
Students requiring additional supports, such as a Scribe or a Reader
A support worker will be assigned to you. They will meet you at your exam venue, and at least 15 minutes earlier than the start time of your exam.
You are advised to read the Roles and Responsibilities of a Scribe or a Reader in an examination situation, in accordance with the general guidelines set out on this page -
Students using the Computer Facilities or a Laptop for exams
Your examination venue will be listed on your examination timetable.
If you have been assigned the use of a laptop for your examinations, it will be provided for you at the examination venue, along with the appropriate software or equipment needed.Please note that in some exams, the use of a laptop may not be permitted by your school, for example, the following modules JA110, JA121, JA267, and JA240 require the student to write in Japanese. A meeting between the student, faculty, and the disability officer will take place to find reasonable accommodation that suits all parties.
If you are using JAWS, Dragon, ClaroRead, or any other Software(s), please contact the Assistive Technology (AT) Officer: Trevor Boland
- Email: trevor.boland@dcu.ie