Assistive Technology | Disability & Learning Support Service
What is Assistive Technology (AT) ?
Assistive Technology is any item which enhances an individual’s independence. This can include:
- Text-to-Speech Software (e.g ClaroRead)
- Voice Recognition Software (e.g. Dragon Naturally Speaking)
- Screen Magnification Software
- Loop Systems
- Digital Dictaphones
- Adaptive Keyboards and Mice
How can students access assistive technologies in DCU?
Firstly, a student must sign-up with the DLSS and then they can be referred to the Assistive Technology Officer.
The AT Officer will meet with the student to carry out an Assistive Technology needs assessment.
How will I know which AT is best for me?
During the AT Assessment the AT officer and the student will explore which hardware or software would be most beneficial for the student while in DCU.
Training will be provided in the use of technology and individually tailored to meet the needs of the student.
The terms & conditions
Students will be required to sign a borrowing contract for the use of Laptops during their period of study at DCU. This contract contains information on maintenance, protection of equipment and the legality of using this equipment.
“Third Level Access is co-funded by the Department of Education and Skills and the European Social Fund as part of the ESF Programme for Employability, Inclusion and Learning 2014-2020”.