The Centre for Talented Youth, Ireland - Student Assessment
Joining CTYI
Students who wish to take part in CTYI or CAT younger student programmes should take part in the assessment for 6-12-year-olds.
Primary school students can submit an Educational Psychologist's Report in lieu of doing an Assessment
Assessments for 2024 - 2025 are now available, please download the following application form here.
If you have any questions regarding primary school assessments, please contact Susan at susan.marmion@dcu.ie.
Young Student Assessment
Applications for assessment must be received at least ten workings days before the assessment date requested. Applications received after this closing date will be assigned the next available date. Due to the high numbers of applicants we cannot accept late applications. If no more assessments are running in that location we will contact you to arrange an alternative. If for some reason you think our assessment may not suit your child due to special educational needs or if your child has already taken part in an educational psychologist's assessment please check the Qualification through Psychological Evaluation section. The parental authorisation must be ticked and signed for it to be valid.
Some notes for the young student assessment:
- No preparation or revision is required.
- Students should bring a pencil, eraser and small snack only.
- To qualify to take part in CTY Ireland Programmes students must qualify in one of the three assessment areas, Abstract, Verbal or Numerical Reasoning.
- Students who are in their first year of secondary school should take part in the CTYI Talent Search.
- The assessment is administered through English only.
- All students taking part in the assessment are expected to be able to read.
- The assessment fee of €50 must be paid online
- It is CTYI policy to hold hard copies of test results for a period of two years only, after which they will be destroyed.
Assessment for Senior Infants & 1st Class | Assessment for 2nd - 6th Class |
Abstract Reasoning | Abstract Reasoning |
Verbal Reasoning | Verbal Reasoning |
Numerical Reasoning | |
50 minutes | 1hr 30 minutes (approximately) |
Sample Questions | Sample Questions |
Assessment Locations
Dates for each location are available on the Application Form.
- Athlone (Athlone Institute of Technology)
- Cork (University College Cork)
- Dublin (Dublin City University)
- Galway (University College Galway)
- Limerick (Mary Immaculate College)
- Sligo (Sligo Institute of Technology)
- Waterford
Qualification through Psychological Evaluation
If a student has taken part in an educational psychologist's assessment they may submit a copy of the educational psychologist's report for evaluation in lieu of taking part in the CTYI Young Student Assessment. Reports must be submitted no later than 4 years after the date of the educational psychologist's assessment. If your child has not taken part in an educational psychologist's assessment or their assessment is more than 4 years old, and you do not intend on participating in an educational psychologist's report in the future please check the application by young student assessment
Please include the following with the report:
A copy of the young student application form with all relevant details completed.
The parental authorisation must be ticked and signed for it to be valid.
- An online payment for €50 (primary school - Younger)**
A copy of the report along with the above can be posted to:
Young Student Assessments
Dublin 9
*Available from schools upon request, we do not contact schools without parental approval.
**This covers the interpretation fee, if your child does not qualify for the programme based on the educational psychologist report fee can be used towards an assessment in any of our centres.