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Centre for Talented Youth, Ireland

The Centre for Talented Youth, Ireland - CAT Programme

Centre for Academic Talent (CAT)

The Centre for Academic Talent programme provides educational enrichment opportunities for secondary school students in the 85th-95th percentile of ability. We also provide a CAT programme for primary school students. For those not in the 85th-95th percentile of ability please see our secondary school programmes overview.

Upcoming Programmes

This section will hold information about our next programme on offer to students. Any information will be posted as soon as it is finalised.

Summer CAT Programme

This programme takes place in two separate two week session in June and July each year. We offer both Residential & Commuter Places. As well as having a strong academic structure, the CAT summer programme for second level students has an extensive social programme. Outside of classes, students participate in sporting activities, day trips, discos, table quizzes and more. We employ a team of residential staff who coordinate the social activities and ensure that the students settle in, have a balanced timetable and an altogether enjoyable time.


Previous CTYI Primary School Programme qualifiers are automatically transferred to the CAT Secondary School Programme upon entry into secondary school. You will receive details of this programme during your first year of secondary school without taking any further action.

Students who are new to CTYI or who did not qualify for our Primary School Programmes must take part in the Talent Search or provide an Educational Psychologist’s report. For further info, please click here.

Overseas Students

The CTYI programme is also available to students not resident in Ireland, please use the Overseas Application Form to make your application. For more info, please click here.

Further Information

For more information on the CAT Programme for 12-16 year olds, please contact Linda Murphy at +353 1 7008103 or linda.murphy@dcu.ie.