We welcome students of all ages, particularly mature students who want to enter or reenter the world of higher education
Our students have: Potential + Motivation
We offer: Support + First Class Teachers
Watch Brian, Sean, Debbie, Nic, Cat and Vincent - our past students - talk about their experience at DCU in the Community.
This video was made by a Transition Year student, Ultan O'Morain - thanks!
Students who have already participated in courses run through DCU in the Community have positive things to say:
"The Bridge to Education programme is based in my local community. As it's local I felt enabled and encouraged to participate as I felt safe and secure in my own area and community. Had this not been a local resource I definitely would not have taken it up. The support I received was both encouraging and supportive as I had been away from study for many years. The one to one support by the tutors is special as they have taken the time and put in the effort to build my confidence and are always encouraging me to stretch myself that little bit more, which I'm happy to do with their support. As a result of this local community resource I have made the decision to return to college in September to further my education. Thank you for being there "Bridge to Education". - Michael
"I have been out of education a very long time. The Bridge to Education course has been a great stepping stone for me going to college, it has put me in a group setting and has got me familiar with things such as studying, note taking, communicating with others. It has truly helped me build up my self esteem and self confidence. Now that I know what things to expect when I go to college it does not seem as daunting and scary for me and it has been a great help and the staff have been very approachable when I need help". - Nicky
"Having a baby at 19 meant I couldn't go straight to further education after the Leaving Cert. I came to DCU in the Community for advice on courses and careers. I was very nervous about the fact that I would perhaps be returning to study (with a bit of luck). I am learning new skills and also learning about misled. I'm not so nervous at the thought of returning to education. I am actually excited about it now. I have learned life skills that I could never have learned in school, as well as study skills, essay writing and English. I'm going to be sad when it ends. I also think it's less intimidating to come to DCU in the Community rather than go to DCU campus. The thought of going to the campus is very daunting." - Jill