Civic Engagement
Civic Engagement Forum
Terms of Reference Civic Engagement Forum
- To network and organise across the different facets of civic engagement at DCU, creating synergies and showcasing existing work;
- To develop knowledge/expertise about civic engagement across campus and help embed CE principles in teaching and learning;
- To source and allocate resources to strategic initiatives around the civic engagement strategy;
- To act as a forum for communication and drive creative alignment across the broad area of engagement at DCU, civic, social and enterprise;
- To advise and act as sounding board for the Head of Civic Engagement in developing and delivering a rolling plan for civic engagement;
- To consider and develop the ideas and suggestions coming from the external panel of the Civic Engagement Forum;
- To organise the restructured annual President's Award for Engagement and seek to build its profile across the institution;
- To develop a media presence for the strategic area of civic engagement through the Office of Civic Engagement website, the DCU home page and other relevant outlets;
- To act as champions of civic engagement in our respective schools and units and seek out new CE practitioners and leaders;
- To meet on a quarterly basis and submit minutes and recommendations to the relevant management and strategy structures.
Civic Engagement Forum Meetings Minutes are available at: https://www.dcu.ie/civic-engagement/civic-engagement-forum-minutes