DCU Volunteer Fair 2023

Volunteer Fair 2023

This year, we have decided to run two Volunteer Fairs in order to reach as many students as possible. One took place on our St. Patrick’s Campus on the 9th of October, and another one on our Glasnevin Campus on the 10th of October. 


The Volunteer Fairs aimed to help local, national and international organisations attract people who are interested in becoming volunteers, but who may not know where or how to go about it. It was a great opportunity for community groups and non-profit organisations to showcase their volunteering opportunities and recruit student volunteers.


Both days were successful, with over 130 students filling out a survey on the day indicating a huge interest in volunteering. 

We would like to thank all the organisations who have attended on either one or both days. Organisations who attended:

Oxfam, Hope Foundation, SERVE, Feed Our Homeless, Barretstown, Fighting Blindness, Gheel Autism Services, Children's Health Foundation, STAND, Children's in Hospital Ireland, TRocaire, Remember Us, Husky Rescue Ireland, Voluntary Service International, Pieta, St. Vincent De Paul
DCU Volunteer Fair 2023 logos