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College Connect

Introduction to College Connect 

College Connect is a collaborative initiative from the Midlands, East, and North Dublin (MEND) higher education cluster, which comprises Dublin City University (DCU), Dundalk Institute of Technology (DkIT), and Maynooth University (MU) and the Technical University of the Shannon - Athlone campus (TUS). The project is funded by the Programme for Access to Higher Education (PATH) 3 and aims to support students who are underrepresented in higher education to access and process higher education. College Connect marks a departure from the traditional ‘singular’ approach to widening participation toward a collaborative, regional approach, which prioritises people within the MEND region experiencing multiple barriers to accessing higher education.

Project Vision and Mission

Our vision is a student population that reflects and respects the diversity of the community in our region. 

Our mission is to change who goes to college by working together as education providers and communities. This partnership will empower future students to make informed choices and fulfil their potential. 

For more details, see the College Connect website.