Timetables Key to Codes
The following information is displayed on the various web timetables. The information displayed varies by timetable type, e.g. a module timetable may contain different information to a staff timetable.
Activity Name
This is a composite code which identifies an individual activity on the timetable such as a lecture, tutorial or workshop. The activity name consists of the module code, the semester in which the activity is to be delivered, the activity type, and a unique activity ID.
For example, “FR262[2]L2/01” is Lecture 2 [L2/01] in module FR262 and is delivered in Semester 2 ([2]).
The semesters are identified by a code in brackets in the activity name, whereby [1] = Semester 1 only, [2] = Semester 2 only, and [0] = All Year.
Room / Location Number
Room numbers are as per building and campus maps and are prefixed in the timetable by a campus code.
- GLA = Glasnevin Campus
- SPD = St Patrick's Campus (SPD.AH for All Hallows Campus)
Room number entry eg. GLA.CG86, SPD.C206, SPD.AHGSG03
Scheduled Weeks
In the timetable, the academic year spans Weeks 1-52. Most activities are scheduled within the formal semester structure, i.e. Weeks 1-12 for Semester 1 and Weeks 20-31 for Semester 2.
An activity which has Reading Week in Semester 1 2015-16 will be scheduled in Weeks 1-6, 8-12 (i.e. excluding Week 7), and in Semester 2 in Weeks 20-25, 27-31 (excluding Week 26). An entry such as “3, 5, 7, 9, 11” means that the activity in question is only scheduled in the specified weeks.
Activity Type
The activity type is identified by a letter in the activity name, such as L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, W = Workshop, or S = Seminar. It may also appear in the timetable grid as a separate description such as “Lec.” or “Tut”. On programme timetables, activity types are also colour coded, i.e. lectures appear in pink while tutorials appear in yellow.