Research Interests and Expertise
Theology and Philosophy
Areas of Research Expertise
Biblical Studies and Sacred Texts: Hebrew Bible; Pentateuch/Torah; Prophetic literature; Mediaeval Jewish Biblical Exegesis; Gospels and Pauline literature; Qur'an and hadith; Reception history; The use of the Bible in and across religious traditions.
Ethics: Bioethics; Business Ethics; Conflict Studies; Digital Content Platform Research; Ethics of Assistive Technologies; Ethics of Nanotechnology; Healthcare Ethics; Human Rights; Memory and Ethics; Philosophical Ethics; Research Ethics; Virtue Ethics.
Historical and Systematic Theology: Augustine; Christology; Ecumenism; Feminist Theology; French twentieth-century Catholic Theology; Interreligious Dialogue; Karl Barth; Karl Rahner; Liberation Theologies; Patristics; Pneumatology; Political Theology; Ressourcement Theology; Holocaust Theology; Phenomenological Theology.
Philosophy: History of Philosophy; Continental Philosophy of Religion; German Idealism; Plato and Plato Reception; Contemporary European Theories of Power and Resistance; the Radical Enlightenment; Irish Philosophy; Visual Theory.
Theological Ethics: Catholic Social Thought; Christian Bioethics; Christian Social Ethics; Comparative Religious Ethics; Feminist Ethics; Forgiveness; Justice; Fundamental Moral Theology; Human Rights; Natural Law; Theological Anthropology.
Religious Studies: Inter-Religious and Intra-Religious Engagement; Islamic Studies; Jewish Studies; Religion and Identity; Religion and Languages; Religion and Literature; Religions and Religious Minorities in the Middle East; Religions in Ireland; Semitic Languages (Biblical, Rabbinic and Mediaeval Hebrew; Classical Arabic and Judaeo-Arabic); ‘World Religions’.
Areas of Research Expertise
Applied Music Research: music and cultural policy; national infrastructure for the arts; popular music experience, memory and heritage; music and tourism; music and intercultural arts practice; music development in society; Music Generation; performance music education.
Composition: orchestral; chamber; electroacoustic; choral; solo instrumental/vocal; collaborative composition; artist-composer collaboration; orchestration; instrumentation.
Musicology: historical and analytical musicology; early music; baroque music; classical style; Irish art music; popular music; film music; Irish traditional music; stylistic intersection; choral music; chamber music; 19th-century music; music and modernity; contemporary music; music and identity; music and political ideology; critical theory; music and narrative reception studies; music aesthetics; music and phenomenology; music criticism; music, text and context; music psychology; sociology of music; music and scripture; history of music theory.
Practice-Based Research: choral conducting; repertoire, interpretation and musical style; rehearsal technique; ensemble sound and vocal development; choir building; collaborative creative processes; repertoire studies; processes of music learning; music literacy; experience-based learning in higher education, second-level, primary-level and community settings; Kodály approach; theoretical aspects of performance practice, professional development for performers, conductors and community music leaders; Irish traditional music: performance and transmission.