Externally Funded Research Projects
Erasmus+ European Funded projects

INVoice4Mpowerment Project
The INVoice4Mpowerment Project Fostering Social Inclusion In Youth Through The Development Of Innovative Choral Pedagogies And Digital Technologies And Practices.
Led by the Ministry of Education, Culture Sport and Youth, Cyprus and drawing on university, choral, education and youth sector expertise from Latvia, Lithuania, Portugal, The Basque Country Spain and Ireland this European funded research project seeks to develop the resources and approaches to foster social inclusion through choral practice. It aims to
inspire and empower professionals working in school education, especially music teachers/choral leaders, but also community workers and other professionals working in the field of social inclusion of disadvantaged youth.
Link: https://in-voice.schools.ac.cy/en/home/

PRESTO - A Pan-European Collaborative Transnational Research Project to Respond to the Challenges of On-Line Music Teaching
PRESTO: 'Practices and Resources for Equipping Schools to Teach Music Online’, The European funded research project develops multimedia resources and best-practice guidance for remote music teaching in the school sector in the areas of classroom-based music, instrumental music, and choral music. Led by the Kodaly Institute of the Liszt Academy, partners include choral, university and entrepreneur partners from Hungry, Ireland, Finland and Scotland.