Research Centres
There are four Research Centres associated with the School of Theology, Philosophy, and Music as follows:
The Centre for Religion, Human Values and International Relations
The new centre aims to become a recognised centre of excellence in the field of religion, diplomacy, and peace and on the concepts, values, and organisational principles that can encourage a mutually beneficial engagement by policy makers and other stakeholders with religious actors.
The Centre is hosted by two schools of the university, Law and Government and Theology, Philosophy, and Music, and its members are drawn from across the university. In the spirit of the ‘shared island’ initiative, the Centre has already established an innovative partnership with the Irish Council of Churches/Irish Inter-Church Meeting.
The Institute of Ethics
The Institute aims to create ethical awareness in relation to all fields of the university´s activities and to play a leading role in raising public awareness of, and stimulating debate about, ethical issues. The Institute promotes a systematic, interdisciplinary approach to applied ethics in various fields including business, technology, politics, media, healthcare, and the life sciences.
The Centre for Interreligious Dialogue
The Centre for Interreligious Dialogue (CIRD) is an academic centre committed to the study and practice of interreligious dialogue. The Centre seeks to promote research, teaching, and public engagement in the area of interreligious dialogue in Ireland and beyond, particularly in relation to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, and the religious-secular dialogue today.
Centre for Jazz Performance Studies
The Centre for Jazz Performance Studies is an academic centre committed to the research, performance practice, study and teaching of jazz performance.