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DCU Student Policies

Sexual Misconduct

DCU believes that its entire staff, students, visitors, contractors, sub-contractors, and others associated with the University have the right to enjoy their work and/or study in a safe environment, free from sexual misconduct and to be treated with fairness, respect, and dignity at all times.  Sexual misconduct is a serious and unacceptable experience for any person, of any age, gender, sexual orientation, race/ethnicity, or religious community.

DCU takes the issue of respect, of all forms, very seriously and believes that each student should enjoy a student experience free from abuse or harassment of any type. We are here to help and support you and to ensure that you receive the support and treatment you may need following sexual harassment, rape, or sexual assault.

The DCU Sexual Misconduct at Work and Study policy sets out the University’s commitment to the promotion of a culture that rejects any form of sexual misconduct. The policy explains what is meant by sexual misconduct and provides an understanding of what types of behaviour constitute sexual misconduct.  


Sexual Misconduct Policy Toolkit to assist students, staff, and third parties in dealing with a disclosure, a report, or seeking support.