Undergraduate Programmes
Undergraduate Programmes
Institute of Education Undergraduate Programmes »
School Affiliated Undergraduate Programmes
Gain the skills required to handle the complex, challenging and ever-changing primary education environment
Our programme is designed to help you become a skilled and creative teacher. We will give you the opportunities you need to develop your subject knowledge, your understandings of how children learn and how schools work, and your classroom management skills. We understand education; our teaching staff are highly experienced and have an unrivalled depth of expertise in curriculum areas. All this will be evident to you as you study with us.
Course Information » DC003 (Restricted entry - Gaeltacht Applicants)
Online prospectus » DC004 (Formerly CICE BEd - restricted entry pathway for Church of Ireland, Methodist, Presbyterian, Society of Friends, Baptist and other reformed Christian applicants)
Gain knowledge, skills and professionalism in Education and Training
BSc in Education and Training - Daytime Mode and Flexible Delivery Mode
Our level 8 honours degree provides learners with the skills and competencies required to work in a wide range of education and training contexts, with the option to complete a four year strand which allows registration with the teaching council of Ireland as a teacher in Further Education.
Course Information » DC235 | ET Handbook (ET access only)
Making Physical Education an essential part of our children's education and development
With our partners in the School of Health and Human Performance and the School of Biotechnology we offer a four year concurrent degree in Physical Education with Biology. Students on this programme specialise in both Physical Education and Biology and will be qualified to teach these subjects to Leaving Certificate level.
Physical education (PE) is an important influence on the long-term health of our children. As such, it is an integral part of the education process, one that promotes the physical, social, emotional and intellectual development of a child, as well as their attitude to activity, learning and each other. This is embraced through involvement in games, health related fitness, aquatics, gymnastics, dance, athletics and outdoor adventure education. Biology is fundamental to the knowledge and understanding of the body and how it works and it is an excellent subject to combine with physical education. As a graduate you will be qualified to teach general science to Junior Certificate level and PE and biology to Leaving Certificate level. Both the PE and biology elements of this course have already obtained approval from the Teaching Council for registration as a secondary teacher.
Making Physical Education an essential part of our children's education and development
With our partners in the School of Health and Human Performance and the School of Mathematical Sciences we offer a four year concurrent degree in Physical Education with Maths. Students on this programme specialise in both Physical Education and Maths and will be qualified to teach these subjects to Leaving Certificate level.
Physical education has an important influence on the long-term health of our children. As such, it is an integral part of the education process, one that promotes the physical, social, emotional and intellectual development of a child, as well as their attitude to activity, learning and each other. This is embraced through involvement in games, health-related fitness, aquatics, gymnastics, dance, athletics and outdoor adventure education. Mathematics is a key subject in the understanding of the modern world, being necessary in areas as diverse as international financial systems and the use of statistics in sport. This makes the job of teaching mathematics hugely important. As a graduate, you will be qualified to teach PE and maths to Leaving Certificate level. Both the PE and maths elements of this course have approval from the Teaching Council for registration as a secondary teacher.
The next generation of science teachers will shape the future
With our partners in the School of Chemical Sciences, the School of Physical Sciences and the School of Mathematical Sciences we offer a four year concurrent degree in Science Education. Students on this programme specialise in any two subjects from Chemistry, Physics or Mathematics and will be qualified to teach their chosen subjects to Leaving Certificate level.
Mathematics, science and technology play vital roles in our day-to-day lives, so having an understanding of these subjects is important for everyone. As a science/mathematics teacher, you will develop your pupils' understanding of the world in which we live and you will educate future generations of business people, scientists, engineers and technologists. You will help young minds to develop and you will prepare them for an increasingly technological and information-based future. You will play a vital role in Ireland's economic recovery by teaching subjects that will be central to a sustainable and successful future for the country. Science Education will give you a teaching qualification with a specialisation in two of chemistry, physics and mathematics, and strong elements of information and communication technology (ICT). Teachers with this degree are highly skilled and motivated and are much sought after in the second-level education system.