Frontiers Project News 2021
The FRONTIERS Erasmus+ Project (2018-2021) brings together expertise from educational research and frontier scientific research, along with user communities across Europe, in order to demonstrate how Nobel Prize winning science can be systematically integrated in the school curriculum.
The project Coordinators Dr. Margaret Farren and Dr. Yvonne Crotty, DCU’s Institute of Education (Ireland) and the project partners from the following organisations: Ellinogermaniki Agogi and Institute of Accelerating Systems, Greece; European Gravitational Observatory, Italy; Paris Centre for Cosmological Physics, France; Nucleo Interactivo De Astronomia (Portugal). invite teachers to use the project educational resources developed by the Frontiers project team at www.frontiers-project.eu/frontiers-educational-resources
The project resources contain:
21 inquiry-based and technology enhanced educational scenarios in the areas of High Energy Physics, Astroparticle Physics, Astrophysics and Gravitational Wave Astronomy can be used as standalone lessons or as a source of inspiration for teachers who want to design their own lessons.
20 educational activities connected to school curricula. The resources were created by groups of teachers who participated in the Frontiers online international summer and winter schools.
Recorded online teacher workshops are available to teachers who want to introduce the relevant Frontiers topics into their classroom.
Recorded virtual visits to 4 Large Research Infrastructures can be used by teachers to offer their students a tour to authentic research environments and show students how research is done in these infrastructures (High Energy Physics: Virtual Visit to the ALICE and ATLAS experiments at CERN; Astroparticle Physics: Virtual Visit to the Pierre Auger Observatory; Astrophysics: Virtual Observation with the Faulkes Telescopes; Gravitational Wave Astronomy: Virtual Visit to the Virgo Interferometer)