Minister for Education and Skills launches guidelines for developing STEM School - Business/Industry partnerships
Minister for Education and Skills Joe McHugh T.D. launched new guidelines to help schools and industry build deeper ties in relation to STEM subjects at the DCU Lego Education Innovation Studio on DCU’s St. Patrick’s campus earlier today.
Guidelines for developing STEM School – Business/Industry Partnerships is a new resource to support schools and businesses and enterprise to kick-start engagement and develop long-lasting and sustainable partnerships.
Minister McHugh said:
“The big target here is to promote students’ interest in STEM. One of the best ways to do that is to take it out of the text book and show young people the real-life opportunities and exciting challenges that jobs in STEM create.”
Children from Gaelscoil Eiscir Riada, Lucan and Scoil Bhríde, Leixlip joined representatives from Intel, Ibec, Fujitsu and Learnit to launch the guidelines using Lego robotics and a rocket balloon launch to demonstrate what they have learned through STEM.
Minister McHugh said:
“The aim of these guidelines is to make it easier for schools and business and industry to connect and build strong ties. It will benefit the schools and students and it will benefit employers. Deeper connections with industry will inspire more of our young people to specialise in STEM subjects so as to unlock a better, smarter future for all.
“We can use industry links to show the real-life opportunities and the exciting challenges of STEM. Deeper engagement will help to nurture and developing the engineers and scientists of the future.”
The guidelines were developed by the Department of Education and Skills in conjunction with the Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation, Science Foundation Ireland the IDA, Ibec, American Chamber of Commerce and Enterprise Ireland.
The commitment was made under the STEM Education Policy Statement 2017-2026 and the Digital Strategy for Schools 2015-2020.
The guidelines and accompanying online toolkit provide the basis for both primary and post-primary schools and business/industry to form quality, inclusive and relevant educational links, which are aimed at improving the STEM/Digital learning experience and secure enhanced outcomes for all learners.
Minister McHugh said:
“STEM education focuses on developing a range of essential key skills that are essential. By supporting schools to build partnerships with business and industry both young people and teachers will deepen their interest and confidence in STEM.
Working with companies will show students that STEM is fun and creative while at the same time they get a practical view to key parts of the curriculum.
The guidelines detail the general priorities which should be established to ensure success in promoting meaningful and effective partnerships.
The guidelines are available here: https://www.education.ie/en/The-Education-System/STEM-Education-Policy/stem-partnerships.html