Conference, Enseigner avec le numérique, TEALEAF Project
5th July 2017. Dr. Tom McCloughlin presented a paper entitled L’enseignant provocateur: quand enseigner et quand permettre aux enfantsd’apprendre at the conference "Enseigner avec le numérique?" at the Maison Diocésaine, Laval, France. It was delivered as part of the closing conference of the EU Funded "TEALEAF" project, available here.
The talk re-emphasised the principles and strategies of the cognitive acceleration through science education project and how these might be applied to working with coding apps to learning about biodiversity. The conference was attended by teachers from the Mayenne region of France, academics and policy makers. The project afforded the opportunity for teachers from Slovenia, Czech Republic, and Ireland to attend, present poster papers, and participate in teacher-led workshops.