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School of Applied Language & Intercultural Studies


Primary Department
School of Applied Language & Intercultural Studies
Associate Staff
Veronica Crosbie
Phone number: 01 700
Glasnevin Campus

Academic biography

Veronica Crosbie is Assistant Professor in Migration and Intercultural Studies in SALIS, Dublin City University. She is Chair of the MA Refugee Integration. Other roles and responsibilities include Chair of the Places of Sanctuary Ireland (PoSI) network. She was instrumental in establishing DCU as the first University of Sanctuary in Ireland in 2016, which entails creating a culture of welcome for asylum seekers and refugees. In 2017, she co-hosted the colloquium Asylum Narratives and co-edited a special issue related to the theme for the journal Studies in Arts and Humanities, which was published in January 2019. 

Veronica has conducted participatory action research on integration through the arts with social enterprise BlueFire. More recently, her focus has turned to applying capability approach theory to asylum and refugee contexts, most notably concerning Direct Provision in Ireland, again using participatory action research methodology. She is also currently investigating the University of Sanctuary model as a framework for supporting and developing socially just institutes of higher education.

Her doctoral research focused on the development of capabilities for critical cosmopolitan citizenship in higher education. She has published on this theme in international peer-reviewed journals and edited book collections, as well as giving keynote lectures on the subject in South Africa, the UK and Spain. 

Research interests

Capabilities approach, cosmopolitan citizenship, critical pedagogy, intercultural studies, multiculturalism, migrant studies, participatory action research