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School of Applied Language & Intercultural Studies


Primary Department
School of Applied Language & Intercultural Studies
Academic Staff
Lucia Pintado-Gutierrez
Phone number: 01 700
Glasnevin Campus
Room Number

Academic biography

Lucía Pintado Gutiérrez is an Assistant Professor at the School of Applied Language and Intercultural Studies in Dublin City University. She holds a European PhD on Translation in Language Education from the University of Valladolid (Spain) where she completed a BA in Translation and Interpreting, and an MPhil in Translation and Intercultural Communication.

Her research interests include an array of aspects related to applied linguistics and translation multilingual studies, including theoretical frameworks; language education in pluri- and multilingual contexts; sociolinguistics; audiovisual translation and media accessibility in language education; minority/minorised language teaching through innovative approaches. Lucía's interests also focus on audiovisual translation and accessibility  (with a particular focus on audio description); and translation and memory, where she looks at processes of memory through translation, the translator as a guardian of memory, or the impact of translation in future acts of remembrance.

Lucía's interdisciplinary research projects have been funded by various schemes at DCU Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences; Erasmus+ KA220-SCH Cooperation partnership; and was PI in a project on audio description and accessibility in Ireland, funded by the Irish Research Council. Her research activity includes publications on top journals, edited volumes, book chapters, and conference papers on these topics.

In terms of roles, Lucía is currently Director of the Centre for Translation and Textual Studies (CTTS) at DCU, a group leading communication through translation in crises, artificial intelligence and machine translation and the workforce, interpreting in health settings, translation and accessibility, among others. She was co-editor of the Irish journal Teangathe Journal of the Irish Association for Applied Linguistics (2020-2023), and president of APTIS, the Association of Programmes in Translation and Interpreting Studies, UK and Ireland (2021-2024).

Lucía welcomes expressions of interest for PhD supervision and postdoctoral mentorship in the following fields: 

  • students’ agency and translation in language education (methodology, cognitive and applied aspects like sociolinguistic or pragmatic competence);
  • Research interests

    Lucía's research background lies on translation and language education, focusing on the principles on how translation may be used as a tool in the foreign language classroom and also how it may be developed as a skill in the benefit of FL learners, including accessibility and audiovisual translation in language teaching and learning. Her interdisciplinary research is carried out through a framework of Translation Studies, Applied Linguistics, Cognitive Studies and Didactic Audiovisual Translation. 
    Her current research interests and expertise include the field of audiovisual translation and accessibility, with a particular focus on audio description (AD). I look at how evidence-based strategies may help to address challenges such as AD services, professionalisation pathways, and the integration of AD in the entertainment industry, particularly in Ireland within te broader European context. Part of this research was funded by the Irish Research Council (2023-2025).    

    Lucía also explores the nexus between translation and memory studies, focusing particularly on cultural artefacts during the Spanish Civil War, Franco's dictatorship and afterwards within literary translation. This allows her to study processes of memory through translation, the translator as a guardian of memory, or the impact of translation in future acts of rememrance. ​ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7627-0440
    Director  of the Centre of Translation and Textual Studies (CTTS), DCU
    Member of the Applied Linguistics Research Group, SALIS, DCUMember of TRADIT (UNED)Member of ARENA (UNED)