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School of Applied Language & Intercultural Studies


Primary Department
School of Applied Language & Intercultural Studies
Academic Staff
Phone number: 01 700
Glasnevin Campus
Room Number

Academic biography


Dorothy Kenny is full professor of translation studies at Dublin City University. She holds a BA in French and German from DCU and an MSc in machine translation and a PhD in language engineering, both from the University of Manchester. Her current research interests include corpus-based analyses of translation and translator style, literary applications of machine translation and approaches to the teaching of translation technology. From September 2019 to August 2022 she was principal investigator on MultiTraiNMT, a European-Union funded strategic partnership that aimed to create and disseminate innovative materials for teaching and learning about machine translation. Her recent publications include the edited volumes Machine translation for everyone: empowering users in the age of artificial intelligence (Language Science Press, 2022), Fair MT: Towards ethical, sustainable Machine Translation (special issue of Translation Spaces 9(1), coedited with Joss Moorkens and FĂ©lix do Carmo in 2020) and Human Issues in Translation Technology (Routledge, 2017). She is co-editor of the journal Translation Spaces and an Honorary Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Linguists (UK).

Research interests

Corpus Linguistics, Translation Theory, Machine Translation, Computer-Aided Translation, German Scientific Translation, Terminology