Project Management
The Team includes a dedicated research project team with many years' experience and knowledge of the administrative and financial requirements of all major funding agencies (see below).
- Enterprise Ireland
- ERASMUS+ Programme
- EU COST Actions
- EU Horizon 2020 & Horizon Europe
- Fáilte Ireland
- Interreg Europe Programme
- Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (RISE, ITN etc.)
- Marine Institute
- Science Foundation Ireland
Dedicated administrative support is available to Principal Investigators who are Coordinators of, or partners on, EU projects. Support may include project management, administrative and financial support.
Also supported are Principal Investigators with significant funding from SFI or Enterprise Ireland.
EU Coordinator support provides comprehensive project management, technical and financial reporting, communications, meeting planning (from kick-off to final meeting), and all key project functionality, (procurement, timesheet maintenance, staffing, monitoring of deliverables, event management, project dissemination etc.).
The dedicated support service is self-financing via direct funding e.g. from coordinator or administration budgets in H2020 or Horizon Europe projects, specific budget lines in approved project proposals or from overheads recouped from research projects.
Ask us about pricing for your specific Award/Project Management