Proposal Coordination
The Research Project Administration (RPA) Team provides support to PI’s who intend to coordinate Horizon Europe, MSCA and COST proposals
Who have been awarded Enterprise Ireland’s (EI) Coordination Financial Assistance.
Researchers in receipt of the EI Coordination Support grant can utilise these funds to engage with RPA EU proposal coordination support.
RPA can prepare and submit the application for EI Coordinator Support in collaboration with the PI. RPA will also assist in the preparation of the Horizon Europe proposal with the PI and his/her team and in collaboration with the relevant Faculty Research Development Officer.
A minimum of 10 - 12 weeks lead time in advance of the submission date is required.
The RPA Team's support may include the following:
The required budget for post award support is built into the proposal budget at submission stage thus ensuring PIs have the option to avail of RPA support at the post award phase should the application be successful.
Services available to: All PIs who intend to coordinate Horizon Europe, MSCA and COST proposals AND who have been awarded Enterprise Ireland's (EI) Coordination Financial Assistance.
To contact us for more more information on the RPA Proposal Submission service,
email rpa.enquiries@dcu.ie