
Shows Dr Gary Sinclair on DCU's Glasnevin campus
Dr Gary Sinclair and Dr Colm Kearns have spoken to the media about the research. Credit: Kyran O'Brien
Engineering and Computing Fair 2017
Two researchers spent several months working on projects in DCU's School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering. Image Credit: Kyran O'Brien
A picture of the DCU Letters at the entrance to the Glasnevin campus. In the background, orange beams point upwards to the sky.
DCU is a partner in three of six SFI Centres for Research Training. Credit: Kyran O'Brien
Shows woman speaking to crowd at conference style academic event
DCU Open Research Taskforce chair Sharon O'Brien speaks at today's event. Credit: Kyran O'Brien
All Hallows
A photograph of All Hallows Chapel. Credit: Kyran O'Brien
Dr Mingming Liu
Project lead Dr Mingming Liu speaks at an event at the Insight Centre at DCU. Credit: Kyran O'Brien