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Stages of the Garda Vetting Process

Stages of the Vetting Process

Step 1: Applicant accepts place on a DCU programme of study where vetting is a requirement

Step 2:  Applicant is sent the necessary forms and information by DCU

Step 3:  Student completes and returns vetting form and validations (incl. Overseas Police certs and Statutory declarations if applicable)

Step 4: Returned documents are validated and details are submitted to vetting system

Step 5: Student receives an e-vetting email from the National Vetting Bureau with a link to complete the vetting application online (There is €25 fee for invitations which are allowed to expire and have to be re-submitted)

Step 6: Student Vetting Team reviews vetting application and application is submitted to the National Vetting Bureau

Step 7:  National Vetting Bureau returns a disclosure for each vetting application and the Liaison Person reviews each disclosure

Step 8: Where a Disclosure is NIL, the Disclosure is issued to the vetting subject.

Step 9: Where a Disclosure exists, Liaison Person contacts the student to verify the accuracy of the contents in disclosure

Step 10:  Liaison person will review disclosure with the Chairperson of the Vetting Committee, Chairperson of the Programme, University Student Vetting Committee

Step 11: Student is permitted to progress on programme/Student is not permitted to progress on programme