Resit Examinations & Course Work/Continuous Assessment
Resit Exams: The resit examinations for 2024/2025 will take place from Monday, 28th July to Saturday, 9th August, inclusive. The Exam timetable will be published no later than 14th July.
Course Work/Continuous Assessment Resits:
Information regarding your course work resits are available from the module co-ordinator. Please check your Loop Page for updates. This includes the assignment details, due dates, etc.
Interpreting your results
Information regarding your results is included on the exam results page and on your transcript. The explanation of result codes is included on the reverse of the transcript and at the bottom of the exam results page. Please ensure that you consult this for any failed or deferred modules to inform you what you need to resit.
P: Pass
F: Fail, resit all elements (continuous assessment and examination)
R: Resit examination element only
X: Resit failed examination element
W: Resit failed coursework element
S: Resit assessment element as per module descriptor
D or I: Resit elements not attempted at first opportunity (CA/Exam or both)
Resit Categories
Each module specifications defines the resit requirements for the module
Category 1: A resit is available for all elements of the module
Category 2: No resit is available for 100% CA module (this module must be taken as a repeat in the next academic session).
Category 3: No resit is available for the CA element (must resit examination even if the examination element has been passed already)
When can I take my resit?
If you have failed or deferred modules during the Academic session, these modules should be taken at the next available opportunity as defined in the reassessment requirement in the module descriptors (this may be Resit Examinations in 2025 or the next academic session). Modules taken in August are defined as Resits for failed and deferred students.
Students should also pay close attention to the programme regulations outlining the specific regulations pertaining to their programme.
- If you have failed results in any module, you will need to pay the resit fee.
- If all your modules are deferred, there is no charge to take your resits.
- If you have some deferred modules and have some failed modules, you will need to pay the resit fee.
- We will update this section with further information on how to pay your resit fee after Semester Two 2025 exams.
Additional Information:
Please be advised that if you do not complete your outstanding resits, you will be recorded as absent for these modules at the August Progression and Award Boards and will have to retake them the next academic year.