Registration FAQs
To troubleshoot your issue, please review our help FAQ section below.
Please note: it is the student's responsibility to ensure they are correctly registered for their Qualification and Modules. Further information and solutions to common issues are set out below.
Onboarding is the term used to describe the distribution of DCU credentials to all new DCU students. These credentials allow new students access DCU systems while they are a student at the university.
New Students to DCU
Each new student to DCU is allocated a unique email address and password that is used to log into your DCU email address, DCU systems and to register for your course. New students will be sent a communication to outline how to access this information, (Please check your spam folder if you have not received the communication email).
While logging in for the first time, you will be prompted to set up multi factor authentication. This helps to ensure that your DCU user account has optimal security applied. More information regarding Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) can be found on the student MFA page here. Once registered for MFA, you can use this online service in future to reset your password, provided you have your username.
Returning DCU Students
In the event you cannot remember either your username or password please contact Information System Services (ISS).
Student MultiFactor Authentication (MFA)
Onboarding Queries
If you are a postgraduate student please contact pgonboardingqueries@dcu.ie.
If you are an undergraduate student please contact ugonboardingqueries@dcu.ie
Useful Contacts
Some useful contacts for various queries are listed below:
Student Support / Advice |
Fees (Finance Office) https://www.dcu.ie/fees |
Non-EU Fee Assessments www.dcu.ie/international/eu_status.shtml |
ISS – Information Systems & Services |
Timetable Queries Please click on the link below for more information regarding timetables
If you are starting your programme in January you will only be able to select modules for the Spring Term and Summer Term.
You will select your Autumn term modules in August.
How do I register online?
Please view our short video series on registering for your programme of study at DCU by clicking the link above.
If you are experiencing any difficulty with online registration, please contact the Registry team who will be able to assist you.
For certain programmes*, students need additional instructions on major and module selection, available here. You can also view a short video demonstrating how to select optional majors and modules by clicking here.
*Note - only programmes with optional majors/modules will be listed in the link provided above.
Where can I view my confirmed major/module choices after registration?
You can view your major/module selection in two ways - in your registration confirmation email, and in DCU Key during your registration period.
Please review the email sent by the Registry team after registration with the subject heading 'Confirmation of DCU Programme Registration' to see your selected modules.
To view your module selection in DCU Key, please log into 'My Registration', and click on the 'confirm module selection' task. You may need to refresh your browser to view selected modules.
Please note - this view is only available during your registration period.
If you would like to change your original module selection, it is possible to change your optional modules by dropping your existing modules during the registration period:
- To do this, please log in to the Registration section of DCU Key. Under ‘summary’, in the module you wish to drop, click on the arrow under ‘Action’ to open the drop-down menu. Select ‘Web Drop/Delete - Student’.
- Click on ‘submit’. You will see that this module has been displayed in grey and showing a status as ‘deleted'.
- Once you have dropped the module you wish to change, you can return to the list and select a new module. To add a new module, select the module from the list on the left and then select ‘add’.
- Once you have added the new module, you can select submit on the bottom left of your screen.
- When you have submitted your change, please refresh your screen to see summary information. To make another change, you can simply select the ‘amend registration’ button.
Remember to select the correct Term (Semester) before choosing your modules.
ID Validation and DCU Student ID Card
ID Validation and DCU Student ID Card
For January 2025 INTAKE:
Students can call into the Registry in either Glasnevin or St Patrick's Campus to receive your DCU student ID Card. (Opening Hours can be found here)
To receive your Student ID card, you must present the following:
- Proof of registration - if you have registered correctly you will receive an email to your DCU email account
2. Your student number
3. A valid form of identification
These are the only forms of identification accepted to obtain your student ID card:
- Irish Driving License or Learner Permit (New credit card format)
- Current Valid Passport (from country of citizenship)
- Irish Public Services Card issued by the Department of Social Protection (must be accompanied with a document which contains date of birth)
- National Age Card issued by An Garda Siochana (must be accompanied with a birth certificate)
- National Identity Card for EU/EEA/Swiss Citizens
Distance Learners and Postgraduate students
For distance learners and some postgraduate students who may not attend campus regularly or attend campus after 5pm:
Upload a photo and a copy of ID during your registration AIP tasks (https://www.dcu.ie/DCUkey).
If outside of the registration period you can upload your photo and a copy of your ID in your profile (https://www.dcu.ie/DCUkey).
Once the photo is uploaded you can use the form below to apply for a Student ID card.
Please allow between 5 - 7 working days for your card to be posted
You must be registered to receive a DCU student card
During on-campus orientation, you will collect your DCU ID card
To receive your Student ID card, you must present the following:
- Proof of registration - if you have registered correctly you will receive an email to your DCU email account
2. Your student number
3. A valid form of identification
These are the only forms of identification accepted to obtain your student ID card:
- Irish Driving License or Learner Permit (New credit card format)
- Current Valid Passport (from country of citizenship)
- Irish Public Services Card issued by the Department of Social Protection (must be accompanied with a document which contains date of birth)
- National Age Card issued by An Garda Siochana (must be accompanied with a birth certificate)
- National Identity Card for EU/EEA/Swiss Citizens
Distance Learners and Postgraduate students
For distance learners and some postgraduate students who may not attend campus regularly or attend campus after 5pm:
Upload a photo and a copy of ID during your registration AIP tasks (https://www.dcu.ie/DCUkey).
If outside of the registration period you can upload your photo and a copy of your ID in your profile (https://www.dcu.ie/DCUkey).
Once the photo is uploaded you can use the form below to apply for a Student ID card.
Please allow between 5 - 7 working days for your card to be posted
You must be registered to receive a DCU student card
My fees aren't appearing as expected
Please review the Fees FAQs at https://www.dcu.ie/fees/faqs and the fees website at https://www.dcu.ie/fees
If you still cannot resolve your query, please email fees@dcu.ie quoting your student ID number and as much information as possible
*** Please note that modules will not appear in Loop until after 26th August 2024***
When you register for your modules there can be a delay of up to 24 hours before you see them appear in Loop.
If after this time you cannot see your modules please contact the relevant lecturer to ensure that the module can be viewed by students.
A study path I am no longer on (I am no longer required to register on) displays on Confirm Programme of Study action item screen and/or the registration screen alongside my new active study path. Is this correct?
If you notice an old inactive study path displaying on the action item screen or on the registration screen, there is no action required from you in regards to that particular programme of study. Please proceed with registration only on the new study path, this should be the one you are due to register on.
If you are registering on this programme as a 1st year student, you are required to select your major on the "Confirm Programme of Study" Action Item Processing task.
You should select either:
BAPY-Psychology & Sociology
BAPY-Psychology & Philosophy
You should not select BAPY-Psychology
Selecting the major BAPY-Psychology will result with the following error message displaying on the structured registration screen: 'You are not currently required to take any actions'.
If you have selected the wrong option, please choose the correct major from the two listed above and restart the module selection process.
If you are registering on this programme as a continuing student, you are not required to select your major on the "Confirm Programme of Study" Action Item Processing task.
If the major presented to you in the "Confirm Programme of Study" Action Item Processing task is incorrect, or if you encounter the following error message on the structured registration screen: 'you are not currently required to take any actions', please contact Registry.