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Extenuating Circumstances (R30) - Submission Portal

Extenuating circumstances allows students to identify specific circumstances, which have had a significant impact on their ability to complete assessment to the best of their ability.  The R30 form allows students to bring these to the attention of your Programme Chair/ Progression and Award Board.

The recognition of extenuating circumstances does not normally result in the awarding of additional marks to your grade. It may however result in your module assessments being recorded as deferred or ill with the assessment to be taken at the next available sitting.

Extenuating Circumstances may be submitted due to exceptional circumstances as outlined below:


Submit your application for Extenuating Circumstances (R30) by selecting your faculty below:

Your submission will be treated as strictly confidential.

If you are unsure of which faculty your course belongs to or who your program chair is, please refer to the webpage Chairpersons of Program Boards


Data Protection Notice: Personal information that you submit to Registry in connection with any service provision will be treated in accordance with the Registry Data Protection Notice

Dublin City University is not responsible and shall not be bound by errors in or omissions from this publication; the University reserves the right to revise, amend, alter or delete programmes of study and academic regulations at any time by giving such notice as may be determined by Academic Council in relation to any such change.

Updated in September 2024