Major and Module Selection Instructions
Doctor of Education
Year 2, Part-time
The purpose of this information sheet is to allow you view all modules connected to the Qualification, optional and core. You should print this sheet out and then continue to the next step where your registration will take place.
It is your responsibility to ensure that you register correctly for your Qualification AND your Modules
ES601 | Emerging Research Theories and Methods in Education and Training | 20 Credits |
Choose one of the following streams. Students must register for 40 credits and for the same stream they completed in Year 1.
Educational Leadership Stream
ES602 ES604 | Leadership in Improving Learning Organisations Research Based Educational Leadership | 20 Credits 20 Credits |
Religious Education Stream
ES607 ES609 | Lifelong Religious Education and the Public Square Advanced Empirical Research Skills in Religious Education | 20 Credits 20 Credits |
Students who successfully complete 120 credits of taught modules on the PDPE programme over Years 1 and 2 may opt to exit with an MPhil (Education).
Last Reviewed: 1st July 2016