Outline Academic Calendar 2026 2027

Semester one 7th Sep - 27th Nov
Beginning of semester one teaching 7th Sep
Reading week 
(for Faculties with this option)
19th – 23th Oct
Semester one teaching ends 27th Nov
Exam study period 30th Nov – 4th Dec
Exam period semester one 7th- 19th Dec
Semester Two  
Semester two 11th Jan – 9th April 
Beginning of semester two teaching 11th Jan 
Reading week (for all Faculties) 22nd – 26th Feb
Semester two teaching ends
( Easter Sunday 28th Mar)
Fri 10th April

Exam study period 12th – 16th April
Exam period semester two  19thApr – 1st May
Resit Period  
Resit examinations for semester one and semester two  3rd – 14th Aug


 Please note: dates in the outline calendars below are indicative and  may be subject to change.