Major and Module Selection Instructions

BSc in Marketing, Innovation & Technology
Course Short Code
Course Year
Course Offering: 01


The purpose of this information sheet is to allow you view all modules connected to the Qualification, optional and core.

You should print this sheet out and then continue to the next step where your registration will take place.

It is your responsibility to ensure that you register correctly.


B.Sc. in Marketing, Innovation and Technology, Year 4, Full-Time


Students must select all Core Modules

Module Code  Module Title  Module Credits Semester
BAA1009 Information Technology in Society 5 Semester 1
ENI1009 AI & Leading Sustainable Innovation 5 Semester 1
MAD1009 Marketing Communications 5 Semester 1
BAA1019 Business Strategy 10 Semester 1 & 2
ENI1002 High-Technology Entrepreneurship 10 Semester 1 & 2
MAD1006 Marketing Management & Planning 10 Semester 1 & 2
MNA1100 Sustainable Project Management 5 Semester 2

Optional Modules

Students must select two 5 credit modules. Programme Chair Approval Required: Student who successfully completed a pre-approved summer school may register for the module BAA1024 (Business Summer School) in place of two 5 credit modules to be approved by Programme Chair

Module Code  Module Title  Module Credits Semester
MAD1008 Innovation, Marketing & New Tech. Foresights 5 Semester 2
MNA1012 Advanced Operational Modelling for Business 5 Semester 2
MNA1099 Responsible Management & Leadership for Sustainable Business 5 Semester 2