Major and Module Selection Instructions

DCU Registry header
BA in International Relations
Course Short Code
Course Year
Course Offering: 01


The purpose of this information sheet is to allow you view all modules connected to the Qualification, optional and core.

You should print this sheet out and then continue to the next step where your registration will take place.

It is your responsibility to ensure that you register correctly.


BA in International Relations Intra

Core Modules - All Streams

Module Code  Module Title  Module Credits Semester
POL1051 Digital International Relations 10 Semester 1
POL1038 Key Issues in International Relations 10 Semester 2

Core Modules - Language Stream - French

Module Code  Module Title  Module Credits Semester
FRE1023 Intermediate French Language Skills 5 5 Semester 1
FRE1024 Intermediate French 6 5 Semester 2

Core Modules - Language Stream - German

Module Code  Module Title  Module Credits Semester
GER1025 Intermediate German Language Skills 5 5 Semester 1
GER1026 Intermediate German Language Skills 6 5 Semester 2

Core Modules - Language Stream - Spanish

Module Code  Module Title  Module Credits Semester
SPA1030 Intermediate Spanish Language Skills 5 5 Semester 1
SPA1031 Intermediate Spanish Language Skills 6 5 Semester 2

Optional Modules - All Streams

If you are studying a Language, you must also register for 30 credits of optional modules from the list below.

If you are not taking a language, you must register for 40 credits of optional modules from the list below. 

Note: The maximum number of optional credits you can register for in each semester is 25. 

Due to timetabling restrictions, not all module combinations may be available to students.


Module Code  Module Title  Module Credits Semester
POL1040 Dissertation 10 Semester 1 & 2
PSK1000 Uaneen Contributing Module 5 Semester 1 & 2


Module Code  Module Title  Module Credits Semester
POL1005 Conflict Resolution in Northern Ireland 5 Semester 1
POL1028 Post Soviet Politics 5 Semester 1
POL1042 Gender, Race, Class & Politics 5 Semester 1
POL1045 The Politics of Sub-Saharan Africa 5 Semester 1
POL1046 The Politics of South Asia 5 Semester 1


Module Code  Module Title  Module Credits Semester
CUS1015 Sexualities, Languages & Societies 5 Semester 2
POL1037 Contemporary Politics of the Middle East & North Africa 5 Semester 2
POL1039 Issues in American Politics 5 Semester 2
POL1043 Issues in European Integration 5 Semester 2
POL1049 The Politics of Migration in Europe 5 Semester 2
POL1088 Nationalism & Populism in the 21st Century 5 Semester 2