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Internal Transfer Application to Bachelor of Business Studies Year 2 or 3

The online application form will open on the 6th June for current students who have successfully passed their current year of study. Please do not apply if you have outstanding repeat/failed/deferred assessments/examinations to complete in August. You will have the opportunity to make an application on 27th August.

Please complete this form if you fall into the category listed below and you wish to transfer into Year 2 or Year 3 of the Bachelor of Business Studies programme.

Please note that approval for an internal transfer is subject to the applicant meeting the criteria indicated in their category, the programme entry requirements, the availability of places on the programme and the approval of the programme Chairpersons.  

While it is not obligatory, applicants are advised to consult with the Student Advice Centre or the DCU Careers Service to discuss their application to transfer.  The finance office should also be consulted to ascertain possible fee liabilities. 

There is a €35 non-refundable transfer application fee for all Internal Transfer applications that is required to be made prior to your application. Please make your payment HERE. Once your payment has been made, please note your reference number and include it on your application. Your 'Payment Category' will be Registry and your 'Payment Item' will be Internal Transfer. 

If you wish to continue with your application, please select from the category listed below:

Application Form

Status message

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