Major and Module Selection Instructions

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DCU Connected - Online Education
Bachelor of Arts/Diploma in Arts(Humanities)
Course Short Code
Course Year
Course Offering:

Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Humanities, Online, Continuous


The purpose of this information sheet is to allow you to view all modules connected to the Qualification, optional and core.

It is your responsibility to ensure that you register correctly.

Please only register for Modules you have not already completed, and intend to complete this year.


1. The Maximum amount of modules you can register for in one academic year is 4.

2. You may only register for a post foundation module in a subject if you have successfully passed the foundation module e.g. to register for HIS1003 or any post-foundation History module you must have successfully completed HIS1001 (or have been granted an exemption from the HIS1001 module).

3. You may select no more than two modules from the same subject in any academic year.

4. You cannot take two modules in the same subject set in the one year e.g. you cannot register for LIT1050 and LIT1052 in the same year.

4.1 The following modules count as even numbered modules: PSY1082: Social and Organisational Psychology, PSY1085: Cognitive Psychology and Biopsychology, PSY1087: Abnormal and Counselling Psychology, SOC1004: Sociology of Health & Illness, PHE1007: Philosophy of Education, Teaching, Pedagogy and Practice, PHE1006: What can I know? Philosophy of Knowledge, SOC1002: Sociology of the Life Course. 

4.2 The following Psychology modules count as odd numbered modules: PY100: What is Psychology?, PY210: Developmental and Educational Psychology and for Philosophy: PH310: Philosophy and Religion: Historical and Contemporary Relationships. 

5. It is advisable for students who wish to register for HIS1005 to not take this module along with HIS1006. This module requires students to complete a research paper which requires a high level of commitment

6. Students must have previously completed at least four History modules before registering for HIS1006.

7. It is advisable for students to have completed SOC1001, SOC1002 and SOC1015 before registering for SOC1016 which is an advanced level module.

8. PHE1010, LIT1053 and HIS1006: Please note these are advanced level modules and involve the completion of a dissertation. This type of module requires a high level of commitment and therefore students should carefully consider registering for this module along with other modules. Many students find it desirable to take this type of module on it's own, or with one other module (feasibility of taking this module in combination with other modules will of course depend on the capability of the student and the amount of time the student can dedicate to their studies.


Optional Modules - Semester 1 and 2

Optional Modules Module Code  Module Title  Module Prerequisites Module Credits
History Set A HIS1001 What is History?   15
History Set A HIS1003 Land, Politics & Society in Ireland 1790-1922 HIS1001 15
History Set A HIS1005 Women in Irish & European Society 1789-1922 HIS1001 15
History Set B HIS1002 Europe & a Wider World HIS1001 15
History Set B HIS1004 Politics, Culture & Society in Ireland, 1916-2010 HIS1001 15
History Set B HIS1006 Researching Local History: People ,Place & Time HIS1001 and at least 3 other HIS modules 15
Literature Set A LIT1048 What is Literature?   15
Literature Set A LIT1050 Literature of the 17th & 18th Centuries LIT1048 15
Literature Set A LIT1052 Literatures of the 19th Century: Romanticism to Victorianism LIT1048 15
Literature Set B LIT1049 Literature of the Twentieth Century LIT1048 15
Literature Set B LIT1051 The Renaissance LIT1048 15
Literature Set B LIT1053 Contemporary & Late Twentieth Century Literatures LIT1048 15
PhilosophySet A PHE1005 What is Philosophy?   15
PhilosophySet A PHE1009 Philosophy of Values: Ethics & Aesthetics PHE1005 15
PhilosophySet A PHE1008 Philosophy & Religion: Historical & Contemporary Relationships PHE1005 15
PhilosophySet B PHE1006 What can I know? Philosophy of Knowledge PHE1005 15
PhilosophySet B PHE1007 Philosophy of Education: Teaching, Pedagogy & Practice PHE1005 15
PhilosophySet B PHE1010 Contemporary Philosophy PHE1005 15
PsychologySet A PSY1080 What is Psychology?   15
PsychologySet A PSY1083 Developmental & Educational Psychology PSY1080 15
PsychologySet B PSY1082 Social & Organisational Psychology PSY1080 15
PsychologySet B PSY1085 Cognitive Psychology & Biopsychology PSY1080 15
PsychologySet B PSY1087 Abnormal Psychology & Psychological Counselling PSY1080 15
Sociology Set A SOC1001 What is Sociology?   15
Sociology Set A SOC1015 Societal Structure and Social Order SOC1001 15
Sociology Set A SOC1016 Language, Culture and Society SOC1001 or SOC1 15
Sociology Set B SOC1002 Sociology of the Lifecourse SOC1001 15
Sociology Set B SOC1003 Social Inequality & Intergroup Relations SOC1001 or SOC1 15
Sociology Set B SOC1004 Sociology of Health & Illness SOC1001 or SOC1 15