Major and Module Selection Instructions

BSc in Analytical Science
Course Short Code
Course Year
Course Offering: 01

BSc in Analytical Science, Year 4, Full-Time

*It is your responsibility to ensure that you register correctly*

Select all Core Modules

Module Code  Module Title  Module Credits Semester
BTE1016 Biopharmaceutical & Immunological Analysis 5 Semester 1
CHM1000 Genetic & Pharmaceutical Analysis in Forensics 5 Semester 1
CHM1043 Advanced Spectroscopy 10 Semester 1 & 2

Biology Pathway: In addition to core modules students also register for All of the below

Module Code  Module Title  Module Credits Semester
BIO1015 Bioanalytical Practicals II 5 Semester 1
BIO1021 Analytical Science Literature Survey 5 Semester 1
BTE1014 Industrial Bioprocessing 5 Semester 1
BIO1022 Analytical Science Research Project 20 Semester 2
GCB1009 Fundamentals of Molecular Biology 5 Semester 1

Chemistry Pathway: In addition to core modules students register for ALL of the below

Module Code  Module Title  Module Credits Semester
CHM1036 Chemical Interrogation of the NanoBioworld 5 Semester 1
CHM1039 Advanced Analytical Applications 5 Semester 1
CHM1044 Literature Survey 5 Semester 1
CHM1045 Project 20 Semester 2
ENS1006 Soil & Energy Science 5 Semester 2