Application Procedure for Internal Transfer Applicants (Transferring within DCU)
Internal Transfer Procedure
DCU does not permit new first year undergraduate students to transfer to another DCU programme.
DCU does permit a transfer to another programme of study on completion of first year. Students who would like to transfer to another programme must successfully complete their current year and meet other requirements as outlined in the application guidelines. Please ensure if you have examinations to take in the August resits that you only make an application as per the Category 3 resit application timeline.
The application to transfer is a competitive process due to the limited number of places and a transfer is not guaranteed. It is therefore advisable that students also consider reapplying through CAO to compete for a first year place on the programme they are interested in, in the event a transfer is not successful. Applicants can apply through CAO (www.cao.ie).
Students are strongly advised to fully research the programme they are interested in, before submitting a transfer application. Applicants are advised to consult with their current Programme Chair and the Programme Chair of the programme they are interested in, and also the DCU Student Advice Centre if they would like to avail of guidance in relation to their studies at DCU. The DCU Fees Office should be consulted to ascertain fee liability related to any decision. Applicants should contact ugadmissions@dcu.ie if they require advice on the application process or guidelines.
The process for applying to transfer to another programme is outlined below.
Application Guidelines
Please ensure to read the internal transfer form and guidelines in detail, as there are strict application rules and deadlines. Please ensure to read the FAQ section available on this page.
Please note that approval for an internal transfer is subject to the applicant meeting the programme entry requirements, the availability of places on the programme and appropriate approval. Due to the competitive nature of transfers, applications will be assessed on a first-come-first-served basis and a transfer is not guaranteed.
There is a €35 non-refundable application processing fee for all Internal Transfer applications that is required to be made prior to your application. Please make your payment HERE. Once your payment has been made, please note your reference number and include it on your application. Your 'Payment Category' will be Registry and your 'Payment Item' will be Internal Transfer.
Important Note:
An internal transfer is not guaranteed to any applicant. Applicants should continue on their current programme until they receive formal notification of the outcome of the application.
This process is not open to students who have withdrawn or exited on a lesser award from DCU.
Processing Time for Applicants
Cohort of Students | Application Opens | Application Deadline |
Students that have successfully completed their current year | 6th June @ 9am | 27th June @ 5pm |
Students who have successfully completed repeat/failed/deferred assessment/examinations in August | 27th August @ 9am | 31st August @5pm |
Please complete this form if you fall into one of the following categories listed below.
I want to apply to transfer to 1st Year of another programme. I have passed all Semester one and Semester two assessments/examinations and I have met the specific programme entry requirements - The form will open on the 6th of June @ 9am. Closing Date - 27th June @ 5pm.
To be eligible to apply you would need to have completed a similar programme of study to gain entry to advanced years. - The form will open on the 6th of June @ 9am. Closing Date - 27th June @ 5pm.
Existing DCU Student who has successfully passed repeat/failed/deferred assessment/examinations in August and wants to transfer to another programme and has met the specific programme entry requirements. T Internal transfer applications are not guaranteed and depend on whether any places remain on a programme. Applicants should continue on their existing programme until they receive the outcome of this application.
The form will open on the 27th August following the release of Resit Results, the closing date is 31st August.
Who can apply?
Applications are welcome from current DCU students. Applicants must have completed the 1st year of their current programme successfully to be eligible to apply.
Who cannot apply?
Students who have just commenced 1st year. Final year students who have completed examinations. Students who have withdrawn or have exited from their programme with a lesser award are not eligible to apply.
Can I apply if I have a current Deferral of Academic Year?
Yes, applicants with a current Deferral of Academic Year can apply for an Internal Transfer.
Are there any restricted programmes?
Please note that there are restricted programmes in which students cannot apply for an Internal Transfer to this programme or to a certain year of the programme. This is due to regulations around accreditations with relevant awarding bodies i.e. The Teaching Council.
Programme | No Entry via Internal Transfer | Year 1 Entry | Year 2 Entry | Additional Requirements |
Bachelor of Education | Y | N | Applicants must meet the previous year's CAO points. 478 (2024). Applicants must also meet the Programme Entry Requirements. | |
Accounting and Finance | Y | N | ||
Athletic Therapy and Training | Y | N | ||
Financial and Mathematical Sciences | Y |
Applications will not be progressed if any applicant applies for one of the above-mentioned programmes where it states that there is a restriction.
I have repeat examinations in August, can I still apply?
Yes, you are still eligible to apply for an Internal Transfer if you have repeat examinations. Please ensure that you apply during the correct time period as laid out under the ‘Processing Time for Applicants’ section at the top of this page.
How many programmes can I apply for? / How many applications can I make?
Students can only apply for an Internal Transfer to one programme. We will not accept applications to multiple programmes. If more than one application is submitted, we will only accept the first application, and all others will be disregarded. If you make a minor mistake on your application, please do not resubmit a new application. Please notify us on internaltransfers@dcu.ie and we will amend the error for you. Please ensure that you maximise your opportunity of receiving a place at DCU by reapplying to CAO for Year 1 of your desired programme on www.cao.ie.
What do I do if I am in a programme and want to change streams?
Please do not apply for an Internal Transfer. Internal Transfers are only for students who want to move to a new programme. Requests to change streams must go through your relevant faculty.
When will I receive a decision on my application?
Registry will aim to have a decision to you on your application approximately 2 weeks after the application closing date. Please note that this time of year is extremely busy for us, and we will do our utmost best to stay within this timeframe but there may be delays.
Application Fees
There is a €35 non-refundable application processing fee for all Internal Transfer applications that is required to be made prior to your application. Please make your payment HERE. Once your payment has been made, please note your reference number and include it on your application. Your 'Payment Category' will be Registry and your 'Payment Item' will be Internal Transfer.
Who should I contact about my application?
For any queries in relation to the processing of your application, please contact internaltransfers@dcu.ie. Please ensure to consult your current Programme Chair and the Programme Chair of the programme you are interested in. Please also contact DCU Student Advice Centre if you would like to avail of guidance in relation to your studies at DCU. For Fee liability queries, please contact The DCU Fees Office.