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Admissions Principles

Dublin City University

Admissions Principles

 DCU believes that its students benefit from being part of a community of learners that is diverse in background and experience and it is conscious of its responsibilities to ensure that all sections and groups within society have access to its programmes. DCU is committed to fair, transparent and consistent admissions practices. Generally applicants who meet minimum entry requirements are admitted following a competitive process based on educational attainment, having regard to University and national strategies in relation to widening participation in higher education.

In admitting students to its programmes, Dublin City University

  1. is committed to equality of access to education and does not discriminate on the grounds of gender, civil status, family status, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability, race (which includes race, colour, nationality or ethnic or national origins), membership of the Traveller community, or socio-economic background save where quotas may be reserved to ensure participation by underrepresented or targeted groups;
  2. adopts and devises admission criteria and procedures appropriate to specific or targeted entry routes;
  3. aims to offer clear advice and guidance to prospective applicants to enable them to make informed choices and to apply to courses/programmes appropriate to their interests, academic qualifications and potential;
  4. only admits students to academic programmes with which it believes they can successfully engage;
  5. is clear and transparent in its admission criteria and procedures;
  6. is consistent and fair in implementing its admission procedures.

February 2016