Staff Information
Recognition of Prior Learning
Resources for staff supporting RPL in DCU
DCU recently reviewed RPL processes and practices across the University to adopt a more coherent and transparent approach to planning and delivering RPL.
Below, you will find resources to help you navigate our revised processes. But please bear with us as we pilot how the processes will work in practice over the coming academic year. If you have any queries, feedback or ideas for enhancements, please contact rpl@dcu.ie
What is RPL?
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a process by which prior learning is formally valued. It is a means by which prior learning is identified, assessed and recognised by an education institution as part of their programmes, courses, and/or modules in the National Framework of Qualifications. This makes it possible for an individual to build on learning achieved and be rewarded for it.
Types of RPL:
Formal learning takes place through programmes of study that are delivered in an organised, formal way by education providers and that attract awards or credits. Formal learning is sometimes referred to as certified or accredited learning.
Non-formal learning takes place alongside or outside the mainstream systems of education and training. It may be assessed but does not normally lead to formal certification. Examples of non-formal learning are planned learning and training activities undertaken in the workplace, voluntary sector, or community-based settings.
Informal learning takes place through life and work experience. Typically, it does not lead to certification.
Non-formal and informal learning are sometimes referred to as experiential learning.
Stages of RPL:
Though these may vary from Higher Education Institution (HEI) to HEI, these are the expected stages for validation as per the Pilot Framework.
- Information
- Identification
- Documentation
- Assessment
- Certification/Validation
What are the possible outcomes of an RPL application?
To gain admission to an academic programme where formal admission requirements may not be met (RPL for entry).
To give ECTs credit so learning is not duplicated (RPL for Credit/Exemption/Entry to advanced years).
Guidance on the RPL Process
Application processes for RPL for entry and RPL for exemption/credit will differ and may generally be summarised as follows:
RPL for admission to a programme where formal entry requirements may not be met:
Prospective learners should be advised to consult the published programme entry requirements for information on whether admission under RPL is permissible.
The published entry requirements, where possible, should direct learners on how they can demonstrate learning/provide a contact to obtain more detailed information.
Each programme should articulate how learners can demonstrate their knowledge, skills, and competencies to match the learning outcomes or prerequisites.
Please see the below checklist of items for additional considerations.
RPL for Credit/Exemption
Advice and guidance should be available to RPL applicants requesting support.
Considering Universal Design for Learning (UDL), this guidance may be given in various formats, including written, video, or other forms.
This guidance will offer advice regarding how learners can demonstrate their competence and any documentary evidence they may wish to gather to support their application.
Things to consider when advising applicants in both instances above:
The scope and nature of the evidence required to support the application are based on the programme requirements, as are any time limits applied to the currency of that evidence.
The currency of the prior learning for RPL purposes will vary from programme to programme. Check th programme requirements.
What is authentic evidence within the discipline?*
What is required for sufficient evidence?*
The limitations for the awarding of RPL, i.e. Professional Programmes.
The relevance of the RPL application process.
Does the learning evidence align with the learning outcomes for the programme or module?
An indication of the time required to complete the recognition documentation process.
*To be determined by the Programme and/or the HEI's RPL Policy.
Please consult the table on the next tab for an indicative list of evidence that may be considered for the portfolio of evidence.
Please consult the draft checklist of items that may be considered.
Checklist of items to be provided to learners
Applicants should be provided with clear information and guidance on the RPL process in advance of submitting an application, including:
The level of support and guidance available to applicants.
Clarification of RPL terminology and processes.
The roles and responsibilities of the applicant and any staff involved in the application process.
The type and extent of evidence required to support prior learning and any time limits applied to the currency of that evidence.
How evidence should be presented and submitted.
Any limitations of professional and regulatory bodies.
Any limitations for the awarding of credit — refer to institutional policy.
The effect of RPL on the availability of any subsequent awards.
An overview of the assessment, feedback and appeals procedures.
Any timelines or submission deadlines attached to RPL claims.
The likelihood of admission due to course under/oversubscription.
Portfolio of evidence (indicative list)
The table below provides an example of the types of evidence that learners can submit to support their applications.
CV/Resume Things you might consider including if relevant. (This is an indicative list of items only) |
Ideas for Evidence | ||
Portfolio of Evidence |
A current CV that provides a full picture as possible of activities that are relevant* to your claim.
Education - Accredited
NFQ & NARIC for further detail on accreditation levels.
Other (Non-Accredited) May be included where relevant to the subject where RPL is claimed |
These may be useful but cannot be used as evidence on its own. |
Commentary is required to present an insight into your learning and to demonstrate how you are currently using/applying or have recently used or applied that learning.
Unpaid Work (Volunteering) |
Employment history, including voluntary positions. List all relevant employment (Role, Responsibility & Achievements)
Reflection on Previous Employment • What did I do in that role?
Published Articles and Manuscripts
Other Supporting Documents | |||
Practice-based documents