FEC - School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering
School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering


Primary Department
School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering
Associate Professor
Phone number: 01 700
Glasnevin Campus
Room Number

Academic biography

David Kinahan is an Assistant Professor in the School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering since October 2018. David completed a BEng in Aeronautical Engineering (2003) and a PhD (2008) at University of Limerick (UL). His PhD focused on high-throughput droplet microfluidics for DNA analysis. In late 2007 David joined Stokes Bio Ltd, a spin-out from UL, as a Senior Engineer, and was later promoted to Engineering Manager leading a team of 10 engineers. In January 2012 David joined the Biomedical Diagnostics Institute  in DCU and since then has applied microfluidics to a wide range of application areas including human health (HIV diagnostics, CTC detection, CVD diagnostics, liver disease, early detection of bacterial meningitis) and point-of-use testing (plant pathogen detection, environmental monitoring etc). From January 2017 until October 2018 David was a Group Leader within Fraunhofer Project Center at Dublin City University (FPC@DCU).

Google Scholar Profile: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=T3TNAB0AAAAJ&hl