School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering
Technologies & Facilities | mechanical_engineering
Technologies and Facilities
If your company is considering a collaboration with the School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, as well as the research expertise of our faculty, we can provide state-of-the-art facilities and equipment for the project:
Powder Processing Equipment
- Attrition, ball and cryogenic milling equipment
- Netzsch Dilatometer
- Stanton Redcroft DTA/TGA
- Micromeritics Helium Pycnometry
- Quantachrome Mercury Porosimetry
- Micromeritics BET Surface Area
- Micro Raman Spectroscopy
Mechanical Testing Equipment
- Instron Tension/Compression m/c
- ESH Servo-Hydraulic Fatigue m/c
- Purpose-built Torque-Tension
- Micro/Macro Hardness Testers
- Charpy Impact / Grindosonic Modulus
- FTA 200 angstrom wettability analyser
- High temperature capillary viscometry
- Bulge forming
Microstructure Characterisation Equipment
- Optical Microscopes / Image Analysis
- Sample preparation equipment
- SEM (Carl Zeiss LS15) with EDX, BSD, and Cathode luminescence
- Alicona software
- Bruker D8 Advance XRD
- Spectrometers – Spectro LES, ICP, AAS, USB650-VIS-NIR Red Tide / integrating sphere Labsphere 4PGPS040S
Surface Coating Equipment
- HVOF, Thermal Plasma Spray, PVD, CVD, Magnetron Sputtering
- Surface characterisation equipment: CII Veeco AFM, Nikon stylus profilometers, Laser profilometer / interferometry, Infinite focus microscope, Veeco white light interferometer (NT1100)
Powder Sintering Equipment
- Stratasys FDM, ZCorp 3DP 310, Wax prototyping
Laser Processing
- CO2 1.5 kW Rofin laser centre, CO¬2 100W, Excimer ATLEX-200/300i (KrF 248 nm), 1.6 J Nd:YAG Newport Quanta Ray, Nd:YAG 2 and 4 W, 532 nm (Freq. doubled Nd:YAG) 4 W, Ti-Sapphire femtosecond laser