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School of Physical Sciences
President's Awards for Excellence in Teaching
Teaching Excellence Award winners

Presidents Awards for Excellence in Teaching

The School of Physical Sciences is delighted to announce that, Mr. Pat Wogan is a winner of the President's Award for Excellence in Teaching 2016/2017, in the Teaching Support category.

There were over 150 separate nominations across DCU for the President's awards this year.

The citation for Pat's nomination read: “Pat leads by example, showing students what is possible, giving them the confidence to persist and never say die when dealing with a really challenging problem. He goes above and beyond the normal expectations to assist staff and foster student learning in this innovative and committed manner.” “For me personally, he is a role model and the benchmark by which I judge excellence. Additionally, he is an outstanding educator due to his patience, modesty and open-mindedness. He is as essential to the physics department as electricity and I cannot think of someone more deserving of the President’s Award for Excellence.”

Congratulations and well done to Pat! More details are available at: https://www.dcu.ie/teu/news/2017/May/Presidents-Award-for-Excellence-Teaching-20162017-Winners-Announced.shtml