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Maths and Science Education Research | School of Physical Sciences

Maths and Science Education Research

Group Members: Dr. Paul van Kampen and Dr. Eilish McLoughlin

DCU is at the forefront of research to improve the teaching, learning and assessment of physics, chemistry, biology and mathematics in secondary schools and third-level colleges.

CASTeL (http://www.castel.ie/ - the Centre for the Advancement of Science and Mathematics Teaching & Learning) is a multidisciplinary research team involving scientists, mathematicians and educationalists from Dublin City University and St Patrick's College, Drumcondra. With a ‘classroom and lab’ focus, CASTeL draws on worldwide research in cognitive science and related areas to design and implement research in: 

  • Activity-based learning
  • Teacher education strategies and structures
  • Assessment in mathematics, science and technology
  • Technology and e-learning in science and mathematics
  • Cognitive science and related disciplines 


CASTeL leads, and is a consortium member of, many EU projects. It promotes science and mathematics in partnership with local and national organisations, and is part of the EU Establish programme for teaching and learning materials supporting science in society. It also provides specialised training and consultancy services for science and mathematics education. 


International Engagements

CASTeL has a range of research collaborations:

  • Establish: European Science and Technology in Action – Building Links with Industry, Schools and Home.

SAILS: Strategies for the Assessment of Inquiry Learning in Science:

  • AMGEN Science Teacher Training Initiative.
  • INSTEM, 2012-2015.
  • ProCoNet, Project Coordinators Network
  • TEQUILA, Teacher Education: Quality, Integration & LeArning network.
  • Fulbright Scholarships
  • ScoTenS



  • Fifth Conference on Mathematics Education, 2013, Dublin.
  • Joint Science and Mathematics Education & SAILS Conference, 24-25 June 2014, Dublin.


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