DCU People
Leaver Procedure Line Manager Checklist
Line Manager Checklist
Below are a list of steps to be completed in advance of the employee leaving the University:-
- The manager is responsible for ensuring that all changes to contracts and information relating to resignations/leavers are notified to the HR Department as soon as a change occurs.
- The Line Manager shall notify their DCU People Representative, upon receipt of a letter of resignation.
- The Line Manager is responsible for ensuring the Leaver Form is correctly completed and signed by both the line manager and employee. The Leaver form must be submitted to the HR Representative, before the Payroll cut off dates (15th of each month), to ensure it is processed in a timely manner. For instructions outlining how to calculate outstanding accrued annual leave see Appendix 2 on the Leaver Form.
- The completed DCU Leaver Form, together with the resignation letter, shall be sent to the relevant HR Representative within a week of the employee’s formal resignation from the University.
- As access to leavers DCU accounts will cease at the end of the last day of employment. The Line Manager should ensure all Part Time claims and Expenses are submitted by the employee on/before the date of leaving.
- The Line Manager must ensure the employee has taken the relevant steps in relation to data and files as outlined in the ISS Leaver FAQ’s. Further details are available on the Digital Identity Retention Policy. The Line Manager should contact ISS if they have any further queries.
- If the employee leaving is a manager on a Research Account/PI Owner, the Line Manager should contact Research Accounts informing them of the leaver.
- The Line Manager is responsible for organising a handover meeting with the employee. The Manager must retrieve all University equipment and files from the employee.