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DCU People

Leaver Procedure


The University is committed to supporting employees through all stages of the employee lifecycle.  In the circumstances where an employee’s time with the University is coming to an end this procedure will provide the relevant steps to ensure a smooth transition to the next step in their career or retirement.  The procedure provides support and resources and outlines the roles and responsibilities for employees, managers, DCU People representatives and the payroll department. 


This procedure is intended to outline the procedural and functional requirements for ceasing employment with Dublin City University (hereafter referred to as DCU/the University). 


This procedure applies to employees of DCU whose employment will end through resignation, or through the natural end of a fixed term contract or retirement. 

Terminations of employment arising from reasons other than those outlined above are outside the scope of this policy and are managed through other appropriate policies and procedures. 


The procedure aims to ensure that: 

  1. Employees and their respective line manager are informed of the process to follow for the cessation of employment with the University. 
  2. Leaver information is processed in a timely manner in accordance with the appropriate legislation. 
  3. The University is compliant with its obligations under all relevant legislation, such as: The Payment of Wages Act, 1991; Organisation of Working Time Act, 1997, Terms of Employment (Information) Act 1994, Minimum Notice and Terms of Employment Acts, 1973-2001; and the Employment (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2018. 
  4. University employees are treated in a fair and consistent manner. 

Leavers Process Overview

Roles & Responsibilities

The roles and responsibilities of employees engaging with this procedure are outlined for each party below:-

Related Documentation

This Procedure should be read in conjunction with the following policies / guidelines: 

  1. Department of Public Expenditure and Reform Circulars 
  2. The Overpayments Policy for information regarding overpayments. 
  3. The Digital Identity Retention Policy


Any queries relating to the operation of this procedure should be directed to the relevant DCU People Representative 

Procedure Review

This procedure will be reviewed as and when changes are required and when there is a relevant change to Revenue Regulations, legislation and/or further circulars issued by DPER, whichever comes earlier. 

Version Control 

Procedure Name Procedure for Leavers
Unit Owner  DCU People 
Version Reference Original Version - 1.0 Reviewed Version – 1.1
Approved by DCU People Director DCU People Director
Effective Date March 28th 2022 February 7th 2024

PDF Version