Leaver Procedure
The University is committed to supporting employees through all stages of the employee lifecycle. In the circumstances where an employee’s time with the University is coming to an end this procedure will provide the relevant steps to ensure a smooth transition to the next step in their career or retirement. The procedure provides support and resources and outlines the roles and responsibilities for employees, managers, DCU People representatives and the payroll department.
This procedure is intended to outline the procedural and functional requirements for ceasing employment with Dublin City University (hereafter referred to as DCU/the University).
This procedure applies to employees of DCU whose employment will end through resignation, or through the natural end of a fixed term contract or retirement.
Terminations of employment arising from reasons other than those outlined above are outside the scope of this policy and are managed through other appropriate policies and procedures.
The procedure aims to ensure that:
- Employees and their respective line manager are informed of the process to follow for the cessation of employment with the University.
- Leaver information is processed in a timely manner in accordance with the appropriate legislation.
- The University is compliant with its obligations under all relevant legislation, such as: The Payment of Wages Act, 1991; Organisation of Working Time Act, 1997, Terms of Employment (Information) Act 1994, Minimum Notice and Terms of Employment Acts, 1973-2001; and the Employment (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2018.
- University employees are treated in a fair and consistent manner.
Leavers Process Overview
The following steps shall be followed by Employees and Line Managers in the event of an employee resigning from the University:
- DCU employees who wish to tender their resignation must do so in writing, by submitting a letter of resignation or resignation email to their Line Manager and copying their DCU People Representative.
- All resignations should take into account the required notice period, as outlined in the contract of employment.
- Upon receipt of a resignation in writing, the Line Manager shall immediately contact the DCU People Representative to finalise details.
- The Line Manager is responsible for confirming the employee’s last day of work and any entitlements due.
- The Line Manager shall complete the DCU Leaver Form, in conjunction with the employee, in order to prevent any overpayments and to ensure entitlements due are processed in a timely manner.
- In accordance with the employment contract, annual leave should be availed of during the period of employment and, where possible, any accrued leave should be taken prior to the end date of employment.
The completed DCU Leaver Form, together with the resignation letter or email, shall be sent to the relevant DCU People Representative. The Line Manager is responsible for ensuring this documentation is sent.
- The DCU People Representative will confirm leaver details and inform the People Services Team of the leaver via the payroll instruction sheet and will forward the relevant documentation.
- The People Services Team will action the employee as a leaver and will issue a letter of confirmation of resignation to the employee.
- Employees and Line Managers should review the ISS Leaver FAQ’s which outlines the steps to be taken from an ISS perspective in advance of the leaving date. Employees DCU accounts and associated services will cease to be available at the end of the last day of employment and will be deleted. This includes all data associated with the account (email, contents of Google Drive, saved places on Google Maps, contacts etc). Further details are available on the Digital Identity Retention Policy.
- Employees leaving DCU will retain access to the Core Portal for a period of 4 weeks from their last day of employment, to view their final payslip.
- In advance of the last day of employment, employees must submit any outstanding claims including Part Time Claims and Expenses Claims on the Core Portal on/before their leaving date. Further details are available on Part Time Claims here.
- Employees and Line Managers should complete all the relevant steps as outlined in the Employee and Line Manager roles & responsibilities section in advance of their last day of employment.
- To support employees leaving the University, the following link provides practical information and general support for those moving on from the University
- Line Managers are informed when an employee’s contract is due to expire via a report from DCU People.
- The Line Manager is responsible for confirming the employee’s last day of work and any entitlements due. The Line Manager shall complete the DCU Leaver Form, in conjunction with the employee, to prevent any overpayments and to ensure entitlements due are processed in a timely manner.
- In accordance with the employment contract, annual leave should be availed of during the period of employment and, where possible, any accrued leave should be taken prior to the end date of employment.
- The completed DCU Leaver Form shall be sent to the DCU People Representative. The Line Manager is responsible for ensuring this form is sent.
- The DCU People Representative will confirm leaver details and inform the People Services Team of the leaver via payroll instruction sheet and will forward the relevant documentation.
The People Services Team will action the employee as a leaver and will issue a letter of confirmation of end of contract.
- Employees and Line Managers should review the ISS Leaver FAQ’s which outlines the steps to be taken from an ISS perspective in advance of the leaving date. Employees DCU accounts and associated services will cease to be available at the end of the last day of employment and will be deleted. This includes all data associated with the account (email, contents of Google Drive, saved places on Google Maps, contacts etc). Further details are available on the Digital Identity Retention Policy.
- Employees leaving DCU will retain access to the Core Portal for a period of 4 weeks from their last day of employment, to view their final payslip.
- In advance of the last day of employment, employees must submit any outstanding claims including Part Time Claims and Expenses Claims on the Core Portal on/before their leaving date. Further details are available on Part Time Claims here.
- Employees and Line Manager should complete all the relevant steps as outlined in the Employee and Line Manager roles & responsibilities section in advance of their last day of employment.
To support employees leaving the University, the following link provides practical information and general support for those moving on from the University
DCU employees who wish to tender their resignation and draw upon their retirement benefits with effect from their date of resignation, should confirm their intentions in writing by submitting a letter to their Line Manager, their DCU People Representative and the Pensions Team at pensions@dcu.ie
Full details regarding the Superannuation Scheme are available here
Employees and Line Managers should review the ISS Leaver FAQ’s which outlines the steps to be taken from an ISS perspective in advance of the retired date. Employees who retire after 02 August 2024 their DCU accounts and associated services will cease to be available at the end of the last day of employment and will be deleted. This includes all data associated with the account (email, contents of Google Drive, saved places on Google Maps, contacts etc). Further details are available on the Digital Identity Retention Policy.
Employees and Line Managers should complete all the relevant steps as outlined in the Employees and Line Managers roles & responsibilities section in advance of the retiring date.
Retirees will retain access to the Core Portal to view their pension payslips.
Roles & Responsibilities
The roles and responsibilities of employees engaging with this procedure are outlined for each party below:-
- Employees who wish to resign must do so in writing, by submitting a letter or email of resignation to their Line Manager. The employee’s written confirmation of their resignation should include their proposed termination date, taking account of their contractual notice period and copying their DCU People Representative
- The employee should complete and sign the Leaver Form indicating all details are correct.
- The employee is responsible for returning their employee ID card, laptop, keys, all University property and confidential information/files, where applicable, to their Line Manager on or before their last day of work.
- Employees who are members of the DCU Superannuation Scheme, may wish to contact the Pensions team at pensions@dcu.ie regarding the options available to them upon departure. Full details regarding the Superannuation Scheme are available here. Employees with less than 2 year’s pensionable service, who are not taking up pensionable employment elsewhere in the Public Service, may be entitled to a refund of their pension contributions and Additional Superannuation Contributions (ASC). Refunds can be made to a bank of the employees’ choice within the Single Euro Payments Areas (SEPA).
- All employees who required a Hosting Agreement, as part of their employment with DCU, will have their Hosting Agreement cancelled should they leave before the expiry of their contract. The IUA’s online portal is updated, and they are notified regarding the employee’s date of leaving. The IUA will in turn end the Hosting Agreement.
- Please note that all Hosting Agreements, Green Cards and Work Permits are non-transferable and only applicable to a role within DCU. When an employee resigns from DCU the work authorisation cannot be used for another company and must be cancelled.
Employees who wish to access their personal tax information should log into myAccount on the Revenue website
- Employees will carry out their normal tasks and responsibilities as outlined in their job description throughout their notice period
- Employees should review and complete the steps outlined in the ISS Leavers FAQ’s in advance of their leaving date. Including a discussion with their Line Manager in relation to their data and files.
Employees leaving DCU will retain access to the Core Portal for a period of 4 weeks after their end date, to view their final payslip. If you require access to previous payslips, these should be downloaded in advance of the leaving date or within the 4 week period. Please contact payroll@dcu.ie if you require further assistance.
- In advance of the last day of employment, employees must submit any outstanding claims including Part Time Claims and Expenses Claims on the Core Portal on/before their leaving date. Further details are available on Part Time Claims here.
- Further details regarding Payroll related information is available at Payroll FAQ's
- Queries related to confirmation of employment and social welfare queries should be addressed to AskHR@dcu.ie. Any queries in relation to pension should be emailed to pensions@dcu.ie
- The manager is responsible for ensuring that all changes to contracts and information relating to resignations/leavers are notified to the DCU People Department as soon as a change occurs.
- The Line Manager shall notify their DCU People Representative, upon receipt of a letter of resignation.
- The Line Manager is responsible for ensuring the Leaver Form is correctly completed and signed by both the line manager and employee. The Leaver form must be submitted to the DCU People Representative, before the Payroll cut off dates (15th of each month), to ensure it is processed in a timely manner. For instructions outlining how to calculate outstanding accrued annual leave please refer to the Leaver form.
- The completed DCU Leaver Form, together with the resignation letter, shall be sent to the relevant DCU People Representative within a week of the employee’s formal resignation from the University.
- As access to leavers DCU accounts will cease at the end of the last day of employment. The Line Manager should ensure all Part Time claims and Expenses are submitted by the employee on/before the date of leaving.
- The Line Manager must ensure the employee has taken the relevant steps in relation to data and files as outlined in the ISS Leaver FAQ’s. Further details are available on the Digital Identity Retention Policy. The Line Manager should contact ISS if they have any further queries.
- If the employee leaving is a manager on a Research Account/PI Owner, the Line Manager should contact Research Accounts informing them of the leaver.
- The Line Manager is responsible for organising a handover meeting with the employee. The Manager must retrieve all University equipment and files from the employee.
- To provide advice and guidance to ensure consistent implementation of this policy and procedure.
- The DCU People Representative will confirm leaver details and inform the People Services Team of the leaver by forwarding the relevant documentation (e.g. leaver form and letter of resignation).
- The People Services Team will action the employee as a leaver and will issue a letter of confirmation of resignation or end of contract letter to the employee.
- If appropriate, the DCU People Representative will cancel the Hosting Agreement.
- Payroll are responsible for processing all outstanding payments, including any outstanding holiday accruals and Bank Holidays payments (if applicable) once the appropriate documentation has been received by the relevant Payroll deadline dates (15th of each month or the previous Friday if 15th falls on a weekend or a bank holiday).
Payroll are responsible for ensuring any outstanding balances for Easi Travel, Cycle to Work and DCU Sports Complex membership deductions are recouped from the final payment.
- Payroll are responsible for communicating the employees leaving date on the Revenue submission report, to ensure Revenue and the Department of Social Protection are notified in a timely manner.
- Payroll/Finance are responsible for working in conjunction with a debt collection agency to recoup overpayments not reimbursed by an employee.
Related Documentation
This Procedure should be read in conjunction with the following policies / guidelines:
- Department of Public Expenditure and Reform Circulars
- The Overpayments Policy for information regarding overpayments.
- The Digital Identity Retention Policy
Any queries relating to the operation of this procedure should be directed to the relevant DCU People Representative
Procedure Review
This procedure will be reviewed as and when changes are required and when there is a relevant change to Revenue Regulations, legislation and/or further circulars issued by DPER, whichever comes earlier.
Version Control
Procedure Name | Procedure for Leavers | ![]() |
Unit Owner | DCU People | ||
Version Reference | Original Version - 1.0 | Reviewed Version – 1.1 | |
Approved by | DCU People Director | DCU People Director | |
Effective Date | March 28th 2022 | February 7th 2024 |