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Identifying and Responding to Students in Distress or at Risk

Modules 1 and 2 are online on Loop and pre-requisite for participation on Module 3, which is in person, presented by Helena Ahern, Head of the DCU Counselling & Personal Development Service.


As a key DCU Care & Connect initiative, the 3 module DCU staff training on ‘Identifying and Responding to Students in Distress or at Risk’ was developed by the Psychological Counsellors in Higher Education Ireland (PCHEI). The aim is to provide clear evidence-based ways to support students, with pathways to refer a student for professional support when/if needed, within your role and in a respectful time boundary manner.       


According to the My World Survey 2, 2019, (the largest and most comprehensive national study of youth mental health in Ireland) "one good adult" (e.g. parent, family member, teacher, lecturer, coach, college staff member) is associated with student positive mental health, making a significant difference on better college success, openness to seek help and less risk-taking behaviours.


The modules support the development of skills and provide the knowledge needed to make these conversations with students effective and constructive in a way that is safe and role appropriate. 


Modules 1 and 2 are online (Loop link) and pre-requisite for participation on Module 3,  which is in person, presented by Helena Ahern, Head of the DCU Counselling & Personal Development Service.

Course code: DCU222




29/01/2025 - 10.00 to 11:30 (St Pats)

25/02/2025 - 10.00 to 11:30 (Glasnevin)

27/03/2025 - 10.00 to 11:30 (Glasnevin) 

29/04/2025 - 10.00 to 11.30 (St Pats)

28/05/2025 - 10.00 to 11:30 (Glasnevin) 


Venue: TBD

Target Audience: Staff

Is registration required? Yes

Free of charge 

For more information contact:


Course code: DCU222



1. Log in to your Core HR portal 
2. Click the Learning and Development tab 
3. Type DCU222 into the Keywords search field and click Search.