EDI | Support for Autistic Staff

Here you'll find information on Principle 9 of the Autism Friendly University, which focuses on supports for autistic staff.
Student Supports

Autism Supports for Employees

In February 2023, DCU People were delighted to welcome a new ninth principle to the DCU Autism Friendly Project
Principle 9: DCU Will Work to Build Capacity Throughout the University to Support Autistic Employees*

Under this new principle, we have introduced additional support for autistic staff at DCU:

We will continue to build capacity across the University to support autistic staff and look forward to working closely with the DCU Autism Friendly Team. 

*Surveys amongst the autistic community conclude that “autistic person/people” is the most preferred phrase. To reflect these feelings and in line with ASIAM’s approach, Autism Friendly DCU follows a policy of using identity-first language. Survey findings available at the National Autistic Society (NAS), the Royal College of General Practitioners and the UCL Institute of Education study. If you prefer person-first language, we will at all times endeavour to follow your lead in our direct communications with you.

For more information on the DCU Autism Friendly Project please contact fiona.earley@dcu.ie.

If you would like to discuss DCU's support for autistic staff further, please contact Joanne Mulligan, Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Unit - joanne.mulligan@dcu.ie