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EDI | Steering Committee

This page provides you with information on the EDI Steering Committee, their remit, objectives and members.
A group of women listening to a lecture

EDI Steering Committee

The Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Steering Committee is established to lead, coordinate, and promote EDI initiatives across the University. 
The committee will ensure the institution's commitment to creating an inclusive environment that respects and values diversity among students, staff, and stakeholders.

Key Objectives

The primary objectives of the University EDI Steering Committee are to:

  • Develop and implement an EDI strategy aligned with the University's mission and values, and incorporating requirements and recommendations from HEA frameworks.

  • Ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements related to equality and diversity, and ensure alignment with national and international best practices and standards in EDI.

  • Lead in the promotion of awareness and understanding of EDI issues within the University community.

  • Advise on and support the integration of EDI principles in all aspects of University life, including teaching, research, administration, and community engagement.

  • Monitor and evaluate the progress of EDI initiatives, policies and practices and their impact on the university community.

  • Address systemic barriers to inclusion and advocate for policy and procedural changes where necessary.

  • Provide oversight, guidance and support to the various EDI-related Working Groups operating in DCU as needed, including the Athena Swan Working Group, Race Equality Working Group, and the Consent Working Group. 

  • Provide oversight of our methodology to build capacity across our workforce to ensure EDI initiatives are recognised and accounted for within workload. 

Reporting and Accountability

A group of men and women sitting at a board room table having a hybrid meeting with a women via video confernecing.

EDI Steering Committee

The University EDI Steering Committee will present a report to the University Executive Team on a semi-annual basis. Reports will include:

  • Progress updates on EDI initiatives and action plans.
  • Data and analysis on EDI metrics and outcomes.
  • Recommendations for policy and procedural changes to enhance EDI.
  • Feedback and input from the University community.

The Committee will also report to the DCU EDI sub-Committee of the Governing Authority in respect to staff focused priority areas and actions. 

Read the Committee’s Terms of Reference (available soon). 

Meet the Committee

Membership consists of senior members of the University Community who have a lead role in ensuring equality, diversity and inclusion is upheld and embedded into policy and practices.  
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Gareth Yore

Vice President for People, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

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Claire Bohan

Dean of Students

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Noel O'Connor

CEO - Insight SFI Research Centre for Data Analytics

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Blánaid White

Executive Dean

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Jennifer Bruton

Executive Dean

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Céline Crawford

Director of Communications & Marketing

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Declan Raftery

Chief Operations Officer (COO)

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Aoife Brennan

Head of School