EDI | Policies and Toolkits
DCU is committed to providing equality of opportunity to people with disabilities in all aspects of employment. As part of this commitment, DCU aims to ensure that people with disabilities have full access to employment, training, promotion and career development within the University. The purpose of this Code of Practice is to state the University’s policy in relation to the employment of people with disabilities, and to provide information within the University on the recruitment of people with disabilities.
Our Dignity and Respect at Work and Study Policy sets out our commitment to the promotion of a campus that recognises and respects individual difference and that rejects harassment or bullying as destructive to the recipient, the harasser or bully, and the University. The Policy's associated Toolkit provides support for staff and students and details the specific set of procedures to follow if making a report.
The Policy on Equality and Access aims to ensure no job applicant or employee, prospective student or student, receives less favourable treatment on any grounds such as gender, disability, sexual orientation, race, membership of the traveller community, religious beliefs, age, civil partnership status or family status.
DCU's Sexual Misconduct Policy, launched in April 2023, sets out the University's commitment to tackling all forms of sexual misconduct. The policy explains what is meant by sexual misconduct and provides an understanding of what types of behaviour constitute sexual misconduct.
The policy’s partner documents, Sexual Misconduct at Work Staff Procedures and the DCU Student Code of Conduct and Discipline and the Student Sexual Misconduct Procedures clearly explain the steps which individuals can take if they feel that they have experienced sexual misconduct. These documents can be found in the Policy's Toolkit.
The purpose of the Gender Identity Policy is to ensure that members of our staff who wish recognition of their gender identity are facilitated to do so in a manner that respects their human rights and dignity.
In addition to the policy document linked above, the following toolkit was developed to support staff in engaging with the policy.