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EDI | Ending Sexual Violence and Harassment Action Plan 2024/25

Here you'll find details on DCU's Ending Sexual Violence and Harassment (ESVH) Implementation Activities for 2024/25.

Ending Sexual Violence and Harassment Action Plan

In line with the University's commitment to ending sexual violence and harassment, DCU has an ongoing action plan to enhance the experiences of staff and students, and to ensure a safe and respectful working and studying environment on our campuses. 

Our 2024/25 implementation plan can be viewed below. This is updated quarterly based on progress.


Targeted Initiatives






Policies and Procedures



Staff Orientation - slides on SM and D&R policies/procedures for staff and students and Speak Out.


New Staff



September/Other dates in 24/25

DCU People EDI Manager



Collaboration between DCU People L&D, DCU People EDI Unit and SS&D to develop staff skills in dealing with a student/staff disclosure of SVH. 30 min awareness training and/or online module.

Targeted Groups

Dec 24/Jan 25

DCU People EDI Manager; SS&D Policy Officer

Rape Crisis Training for DCU People staff and DCU Security.

DCU People and Security Staff



August 24

DCU People EDI Manager

Create a Register of all trained staff.



September 24


DCU People EDI Manager; SS&D Policy Officer


Policy training for SU Officers.


SU Officers 



August 24




SS&D Policy Officer

First Point of Contact Training for SS&D/OSL Staff support students and Sexual Misconduct Advisers.




August 24

SS&D Policy Officer

Talks to Heads and Deans, Schools and Faculty.

Targeted Staff

Autumn 24/Spring 25

DCU People EDI Manager; SS&D Policy Officer

Training video to upskill on SM and D&R policies/procedures for staff and Speak Out.



Oct 24


DCU People EDI Manager


Identify any additional cohorts of employees or students requiring training on disclosure.



Sep’24 – Ongoing

DCU People EDI Manager

Develop an Evaluation Framework for key training initiatives.


Sep’24 -

DCU People EDI Manager



Student Orientation - slide on SM and D&R policy/procedures and Speak Out.


Incoming Students


September 24

SS&D Policy Officer


Talks to targeted groups of students.

Targeted Groups



September 24

SS&D Policy Officer; SS&D Health Promotion Officer

Ongoing consent promotion.

Campus Accom.

October 24

SS&D Policy Officer; SS&D Health Promotion Officer; DCUSU VP for Wellbeing

Institutional Reporting

HEA End of Year Report


HEA Disclosure Report


Speak Out Disclosure Report



Senior Management Briefing


Mandatory reporting on activities in relation to institutional action plan.


December 24




DCU People EDI Manager; SS&D Policy Officer

Mandatory statistical reporting on staff and student disclosures of SVH.


December 24

DCU People EDI Manager; SS&D Policy Officer

Upload of Speak Out institutional data from confidential database to the national database.




DCU People EDI Manager; SS&D Policy Officer

Updates on DCU Action Plan for the prevention of SVH along with Speak Out Annual Report


January 24

DCU People EDI Manager; SS&D Policy Officer

Communications & Campaigns


Speak Out promotional campaign throughout 24/25.


All Staff



Begin September - ongoing


DCU People EDI Manager

Engage with the 16 Days of Activism campaign and rollout in DCU.



All Staff and Students

Nov/Dec 24


DCU People EDI Manager; SS&D Policy Officer’ SS&D Health Promotion Officer

Training for First Point of Contact staff and SU.



FPOC; Allies; Advisors

End August


SS&D Senior Counsellor; SS&D Policy Officer


Speak Out promotional campaign throughout 24/25.  




Begin September - ongoing


SS&D Policy Officer; DCUSU VP for Wellbeing

Stands at Fairs and Themed Weeks

All Students

Sept 24 - ongoing

SS&D Health Promotion Officer; DCUSU VP for Wellbeing

Themed Weeks Promotion

  • Orientation Week - Sept 9th
  • Freshers Week - Sept 16th
  • Sexual Health - Oct 16th
  • Harm Reduction - Oct 28th
  • ESVH - Nov 25th
  • SHAG - Feb 3rd
  • RAG - Feb 10th
  • Rainbow - TBC


All Students


SS&D Health Promotion Officer; DCUSU VP for Wellbeing

ESVH Wall Mural


February 25

SS&D Policy Officer; SS&D Health Promotion Officer

Targeted Activities: Education and Training Plan (Facilitators and Students)

Active*Consent Facilitator Training

Recruit facilitators for Active*Consent Training






Aug 24




SS&D Health Promotion Officer; DCUSU VP for Wellbeing


Active*Consent Facilitator Training 



Aug 24

University of Galway

Active*Consent Live Workshop Programming

Orientation - Online webinar workshops by faculty





Dates TBC





SS&D Deputy Dean; SS&D Health Promotion Officer; DCUSU VP for Wellbeing


Freshers Week+ - In-person workshops by faculty



SS&D Health Promotion Officer; DCUSU VP for Wellbeing

Targeted in-person workshops by group

Semester Two



SS&D Health Promotion Officer; DCUSU VP for Wellbeing

Bystander Workshop 5 Facilitator Training

Confirm facilitators for Bystander Intervention Training Workshop 5



Bystander Facilitator Training Event





SS&D Staff

Sept/Oct 24



Aug/Sept 24

OSL, SS&D Health Promotion Officer


SS&D Policy Officer’ SS&D Health Promotion Officer

Bystander and ESVH Training for Clubs and Society Reps

Each Club and Society will have two nominated points of contact who will be trained in Bystander Intervention in the first two weeks of semester. 

Clubs and Societies


Sept/Oct 24 

OSL, SS&D Health Promotion Officer

Bystander Intervention Training for other targeted groups

To be developed to suit the target audience

DCU Sports staff, DCU Accommodation Staff



SS&D Policy Officer; SS&D Health Promotion Officer; DCUSU VP for Wellbeing

Discover Community e-learning courses

Review, update and rollout the following modules:

  • Active*Consent (UCG New)
  • Bystander Intervention
  • TiLT

All Students

Semester 1 start



SS&D Policy Officer; SS&D Health Promotion Officer

Campaign Weeks 

  • Orientation Week - Sept 9th
  • Freshers Week - Sept 16th
  • Sexual Health - Oct 16th
  • Harm Reduction - Oct 28th
  • ESVH - Nov 25th
  • SHAG - Feb 3rd
  • RAG - Feb 10th
  • Rainbow - TBC


SU, Health Promotion Officer


SS&D Health Promotion Officer; DCUSU VP for Wellbeing